Thankful Thursday


Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful that I FINALLY won a badge for First Commenter on The Tuesday Teaser.

I am also thankful that I scored 7 memoirs for 70 cents. The library in the next town always has a couple of tables of discarded books and the non-fiction are only 10 cents each.

And I am thankful to LouLou’s mom for sending me a copy of her cookbook, Rome at Home. 

I plan to make some potato gnocchi this weekend.


And we are up to the letter W in The A-Z Blogging Challenge.  For W, I have more book recommendations. Peter Walsh has written several books about decluttering and getting organized My favorites include. Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat and It’s All Too Much. Have you read any of his books?


Sorry I skipped the poem this week.

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. I wish my town ( city) had a ________________________.
2. So far, this year has been _________________.
3. _________ is a little too _________ for my liking.
4. Even if _________, I really appreciate _________.


  1. I have not read those book, have not even heard of them! Imagine that!

    Congrats on being a firstie for the firstie time at Teaser Class…
    and I was late to class, LOL!!

    I am thankful Teddy’s Mom came through her eye surgeries just fine, Hallelujah!

    Potato gnocchi sound yummy.What do you put over them if anything?? I’ve never eaten those.

  2. Congrats on winning first commenter on the Teaser, Ellen! Haven’t read the Peter Walsh books though I’m sure I could use some pointers. Ha! That first one has a funny title! XO

    1. Yes, they are. Thank you. 🙂 Now if I can score a right guesser one that will be something. 🙂 XO

  3. Meant to tell you how much I have enjoyed everything that came out of your answers, all of them, to the A-Z challenge! There were a lot of good ideas in your answers too!

  4. What a cool cookbook to receive. Potato gnocchi is really delicious. And 10 cents for a book is definitely something to be thankful for! xo

  5. Ooh, I picked up two packages of gnocchi and now want to cook up some. Yum! And I may have to check out that cookbook, too. 🙂 Be well, my dear.

  6. Congratulations on the teaser badge and hooray for so many good books and a beautiful kitty too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

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