Sunday Selfies-Cats’ Letters to Santa Part 2


We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop

Dear Santa,

I could use some with tails. All my mice lost their tails. OK, I bit them off so I need some new ones. Love, Ethel



Dear Santa,

Please make Penny love me. Love Drake

I could use a new heart and kidneys. If you can’t do that than surprise me.

Love, Emmy

Dear Santa,

I’d like some silvervine and some Temptations. Love, Trouble


We will have our last 3 next week plus one from The Potato Heads.



  1. Those are all good things to ask for from Santa Paws.
    Trouble, Daisy Mae and I hope you get what your asking for. we hope the other cats get their wishes too.
    Crystal And Daisy Mae

  2. You kitties all sure asked for some really excellent things. We hope and purr that Santa grants your wishes, because we know you are all good cats!

  3. You kitties are always spot on with the letters you send to Santa!

    Drake are you pining with unrequited love??
    Emmy, we sure hope Santa might bring you a miracle.
    Ethel, you do give your mousies quite a workout! MOL!
    Trouble, we are sure those things will be in your stocking!!

  4. Those are GREAT Santa letters, especially the new organ request…sweet little kitty, I hope Santa hears that one. And mouse tails might be in short supply…

  5. Those a great wishes, sweeties, and I hope and purray that you all get what you need, especially you, sweet Emmie✨Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞

  6. Emmy sweetheart, I so wish you could have what you hope for. Drake…it will happen. All of you.,..Merry Christmas to come.
    Katie Isabella

    1. Thank you. I am glad you are getting posts again. Emmy has had heart trouble for the entire 4 yrs I have had her and now her kidneys are going. 🙁

  7. Great letters. Ethel’s letter made me smile. It reminded me of how all the mice in our house lost their tails when I had my cat Sammy.

  8. Such sweet letturss to Santa Pawss…Emmy due you REELLY need a mew Heart an Kidneyss?? BellaSita Mum needss mew Kidneyss two. Why do wee have to get sick?? Mee sendss you POTP mee frend!
    Trouble an Ethel yore both so cute! Wee *giggelled* ’bout yore letturss! An Drake mee goin to say a Purrayer that Penny fallss inn <3 love <3 with you…..
    Yore so adorbss!
    Grate fotoss' deer frendss!
    ***purrss** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. Yes, Emmy has had a bad heart since I found her and now her kidneys are starting to go and we can’t do fluids because of her heart problem. I hope your mum can get new kidneys or a medicine to help her. XO

  9. You all want excellent things for Christmas. Y’know, Ethyl, the mom cuts the tails off of my mice because she’s afraid I’ll chew them off and eat them. ~Ernie

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