1. These are all wonderful Selfies, Ellen, and we’re glad your mom’s out of the hospital. We’re just now trying to catch up now that dad’s back at home to stay and he gets to breathe for a bit before starting the next work week. As he’s sitting here with me at this hour his damn boss has already texted him four times with questions about work that was done while they were away. I’ve heard some interesting words from dad’s mouth in the past few minutes….

  2. Dusty looks simply Divine dress for christmas. She is definitely going to be the model of the day. Precious asked me to zoom in on the first photo so she can get a closer look at her friend Brody. She is sending him a big purr and says that Ethel and Tuffy look great.

  3. MY mom zoomed in too, she wanted to see everyone closer in the big picture with all three of you all. Dusty, you look fabulous!!!

  4. I hope everyone will be as smart come the big day celebrations! That is a very stylish dress, and suitable for only the best of princesses.

  5. Chaplin: “That’s a very festive dress, Dusty! Buddy Elf would approve!”
    Charlee: “Our Dada thought your white block was a miniature washing machine at first. He probably needs to get out more …”

    1. Thank you. 🙂 That is funny. Thanks for the idea- the kids can play with it like it is one next time they visit. 🙂

  6. The Ussie is triple cute! Nice to see Ethel, Brody and Tuffy together. Love the sneak peek… Dusty knows she is wearing that festive dress well♥

  7. Such cute kitties and the green dress is just right for the holiday in case there is a party to go to. 🙂

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