1. Penelope yore so fotogenick!!! Wee happy to see you weeklee now!
    Rudy you DUE look seereuss…an hansum!
    Rusty yore ear tuftss are so floofy!
    Aunty Ellen yore Lilac iss furry purrty two……
    Happy Sunday to all of youss’.
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

  2. Oh, lilacs, they must smell wonderful. Almost as lovely as those ear tufts! And Penelope look very, very serious….

  3. I always knew that Rudy was a deep thinker. And I think I could use Rusty here at home to get some of the low cobwebs. But only if you know who is sound asleep and doesn’t know there’s another cat in the house.

  4. Ear tufts are a mancat’s ladycat attractant! You got it Rudy. Penelope, you showed Mom you mean business!

  5. Penelope is a such a sweetheart♥ Your pink lilacs are lovely… I can just about smell the fragrance! Rusty’s ear tufts are fabulously tufty!

  6. Dearest Ellen,
    Like Penelope, our vocal Spooky is reminding me often that he’s hungry!
    Your pink lilac is a dream—wish they would survive in the heart of Georgia… MISS them so, their fragrance is so special.
    Rudy seems to be pondering and Rusty indeed has big ear tufts.
    Mariette + Kitties

    1. Thank you. 🙂 They like it cold. This one is good all the way to zone 2. XO

  7. Oona: “Rusty, your ear tufts are impressive from any angle!”
    Charlee: “Penelope, you and I have something in common. I’m hungry too. Humans always seem to forget that they haven’t fed us in the last five minutes and need to be reminded.”

  8. Beautiful lilac! Penelope has a good appetite like my Scout lol. Adorable selfies.

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