Hi everyone! We are joining, The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

and when all the patients heard the clinic is going to be open on Monday, they started lining up. I hope The Great One and Typhoid Mary will have time to see them all.
Daily adventures of living with a bunch of cats
Hi everyone! We are joining, The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.
and when all the patients heard the clinic is going to be open on Monday, they started lining up. I hope The Great One and Typhoid Mary will have time to see them all.
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Darling selfies of everyone! I know what you mean about the box! If the cats like a particular box, I have a hard time throwing it out; unless there’s another box we can give them that they might like just as well. XO
Thank you. 🙂 This one is pretty big. I actually hope someone pees in it so I can toss it. XO
Great selfies!!
Those who are waiting at the clinic’s doors had best take a sleeping bag and a meal or two, LOL!!
Good idea. 🙂 XO
Trouble is staying strong in that box. Maybe you could just keep it?
I wish Tuffy would let you brush him, too. 🙁
For now they can keep it. I would like to get him shaved down, but I can’t even touch him let alone catch him. XO
Oh, you give us such a tickle with that “clinic” and the patients lining up to see the docs. Those kids will look back on their childhood as a miraculous time, thanks to their aunty Ellen!!!!!
Thank you for the sweet compliment. I hope they will have fond memories of spending time with me. XO
Lovely selfies. It looks The Great One and Typhoid Mary will have a busy day at Clinic.
Thank you. 🙂 Yes, they will. XO
Love all the selfies…….the clinic looks busy! Hopefully all of them aren’t SICK but just want to visit the DOCTORS!!!!
Hugs, Pam
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Sweet Tuffy evidently isn’t too tough of a kitty if he won’t let you brush him. He must be scared of a brush. And I bet there will be plenty of doctoring and nursing going on when you get company on Monday.
Yes, he is scared of people too. XO
Aww, such a gorgeous collection of selfies, Ellen! Sorry we’ve been off a bit, but I’m trying to get dad to get with the program… again. Happy Sunday!
Thank you. 🙂 Happy Sunday!
All of the patients lined up for Monday…goodness! The advice given was right on the money. Bring sleeping bags and your lunches in a pair bag (don’t play with that bag though…) and you’ll bread to be seen by the two doctors. By the way, did anyone ask Tuffy if he would consent to being combed?
Thank you. 🙂 Tuffy won’t even consent to bring touched. XO
What a great set of Selfies of yourselfies😻The markings of Rusty and Rudy on their forehead are very special💗Double Pawkisses for a Happy and Relaxed Sunday to all of you🐾😽💞
Thank you. 🙂 Happy Sunday! XO
Such wonderful selfies everyone but dang, that clinic sure is busy!
Thank you. 🙂 The clinic is always busy. XO
Great Selfies. That’s a big crowd at the clinic!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Nice selfies! Looks like that box is going to stay.
Thank you. 🙂 Yes, until someone pees in it.
The patients for the clinic all seem very happy about it. Clearly isn’t a vet clinic queue, like ours, MOL
Lovely selfies from you all.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kitty Clinic with TGO and TM in charge that should be fun.
Lovely selfies too
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you. 🙂 I hope they have fun. XO
Aww, such cute selfies! Callue has a favorite box too and likes to hide in it.
Thank you. 🙂 Glad Callie got to keep hers too. XO
You’re welcome, Ellen.
Adorable selfies. Happy Sunday!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Brody, you look like you just woke up!! 😺
He did. 🙂
Hahaha with all the patients lining up for TGO and TM! That will be fun Monday. EveryBODY looks good today for their Selfies. Ellen, you have them all looking at you! Trouble, who isn’t any trouble, her big eyes!!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Lovely selfies!
Thank you. 🙂
LOL We have the box problem too. We have one we just can’t throw away!!!
They have one very big one in the livingroom and one in the kitchen. XO
I do that same thing– every time i take away their boxes I feel bad and bring them all back!
Cats know how to make us feel guilty. 🙂
I can never throw out boxes either!
MOL! 🙂
Boxes are hard that way. Everyone took a lovely selfie.
Thank you. 🙂
Good selfies. I like the extreme closeup!
Thank you. 🙂
Cute photos! I feel guilty when I take away a box too.
Thank you. 🙂 Glad I am not the only one. XO
That’s a lotta patients! I’m the same way about boxes. If Mudpie gets in it, I hesitate to toss it in case she wants it again. Do they have us trained or what?
They sure do. 🙂
Awww ~ sweet kitties ~ so adorable ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you. 🙂
Tuffy you are lookin furry fluffy!
Brody lookin mite fine there!
Rudy that iss one CLOSE close-up, mew mew mew…..
Rusty yore allwayss so cute!
Trouble you are so cute inn yore speshell box.
Joanie & Gremmie yore THE Dye-namic Duo!
Wee sure hope THE Grate Ona an Typhoid Mary see all THE payshuntss…..that iss SUM line-up!
***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum
Lovely photos of everyone.
Thank you. XO
Oona: “Trouble! Oona likes your box! A Chewy box arrived here on Friday and it was full of crinkly brown paper and Oona has basically been living in it ever since.”
Charlee: “That’s true. Things have been unusually quiet around here lately, except for, you know, all the crinkling.”
Chaplin: “Maybe somebody else would like to sit in the Chewy box for a while, Oona. Hint hint.”
Oona needs to share. 🙂
Tuffy, you’ll enjoy a nice brushing, trust us!
I wish he would.
The clinic might have to perform triage. lol I know what you mean about Tuffy; nobody likes to be groomed here. ~sigh~ Rudy made me laugh. It’s funny how often photos of my cats end up like that. lol Thanks for the grins, my dear. Hugs to you and yours.
You’re welcome. Yes, I will have to fill them in on what that is. 🙂 XO