1. Ellen, you are so ambitious. I cannot believe everything you accomplish. Do you ever sleep? Seems as if you are well on your way to meeting your goal. They are really pretty. Hugs, Janet and Kitties Blue

  2. A cat’s help is essential with everything. Leia never really showed interest, but Toby was with me every step of the way. He was always. so. much. help. Truly. 🙂

  3. Ellen,

    WOW, that’s a lot of snowflakes! What do you plan to do with them? Will you hang them on your tree this year? Hmm, can you join the snowflakes to form a blanket? That would be cool to do. Thanks for hitting the dance floor with me. Have a boogietastic week, my furriend! 😉

  4. Noel is a great helper too. I can tell. She’s a pretty girl kitties as well.

    Love all the snowflakes.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday. My best to your mom. ♥

    1. He should go to the local senior center, they have groups and people wiling to teach you.

  5. That sounds like quite the challenge. With heat index expected to hit 111 degrees today, we would sure love some snowflakes:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. Thank you 🙂 I have had the book since 2011 though so it took me a long time to get motivated 🙂

  6. guyz…mom is due inn WAAAAAAY better N de food gurl ….ever could….it wood
    take her a 100 yeerz ta make one…noe joke ….~~~~~~~~~ 🙂 ♥♥

  7. I was just wondering this weekend how your snowflake challenge was going. 79? You’ve made it so far already! I hope you show them all once you’ve finished, because it would be wonderful and amazing to see all of your beautiful snowflakes. And Noel is the purrfect helper!

  8. Those snowflakes look pawsome! You have a very talented human, Noel. I hope you had lots of fun helping with all of that yarn!

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