Selfie Sunday with Phoebe

Happy Phoebe Day, I mean HappyΒ Sunday everyone! I wanted to do another give away, but Mom said no because she wants to do one this week- Phooey!!!

Get this, Mom says I can’t have a boyfriend-double Phooey! Sammy told Mom there are lots of pretty girls at Cat Scouts and he wants a girlfriend. Well, Mom was having none of that, Sammy is her little Mama’s boy so she said no one is having a boyfriend or a girlfriend. She said we can be friends with everyone, but no romances. Mommy and Daddy love us very much and Grammie does too. And I love them all very much too and all my brothers and sisters too.

Downton Abbey is on again tonight. I wonder if they will find that baby photo under her pillow in the room there was a fire in? Snowball and I are playing dress up Downton Abbey style:

012013I can’t wait til Mad Men starts and we can wear 1960’s costumes- groovy.

I wonder if any of the other kitties want to play Pick up Sticks?002or Operation?play1See you all Thursday-have a nice week everyone! Silly me, I forgot we are hopping for Selfie Sunday:


  1. PAWSOME selfies, sweetie! Sorry you’re not allowed to have a boyfriend. But then again, being friends with everyone is a pretty cool concept too! πŸ˜‰ Happy Sunday, sweetie! πŸ™‚ xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

  2. Oh we think that photo under the pillow WILL be found…….!! We also think it’s good just to be friends with everyone with no romantic entanglements…….I have a girlcatfriend who goes to dances and some parties with me but there’s no romance involved……just fun to have a friend to do stuff with sometimes. Much easier on the heart too!

    Hugs and Happy Sunday

  3. OH my goodness, mom said she always got that awful sound when she tried to do the more delicate operations. It was fin. Mom nor I have really caught on to pick up sticks, sad to say xoxox

    1. My Mom drinks a lot of coffee so she can’t even do the easy operations πŸ™‚ It is fun though.

  4. Staying friends with evfurryone makes sure that no one gets their hearts broken. You all sure do know how to have fun at your house! Have a great Easy!
    Marty and the Gang

  5. Yous knows the bestest thing about not having a boyfurrend or grrlfurrend is that all the other cats can bes your boyfurrend and/or grrlfurrend! Playing the field (like mes) is so much more fun!
    Loves your post and the selfies!
    Your grrlfurrend

    1. We don’t have Monopoli, but I bet I would like it. Thanks for the compliments on the selfies.

  6. Well weez not watch any of those shows and weez not hav those games eever, but y’all do look weally cute in yous outfits. And it’s okay to not hav boyfuriends or girlfuriends. Stay safe and warm.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Sorry you don’t have those games, they are fun,but as long as you have catnip and a loving Mom then you are lucky.

  7. Great selfie, Phoebe! That’s too bad about the boyfriends. I would definitely like to be a candidate.
    We can’t wait for Downton Abbey tonight! We love to watch with our Mama! I think they will find that picture. It will be interesting what happens next!

    1. I wish I could have a boyfriend- you would be purrfect πŸ™‚ We can still be very good friends and talk about Downton Abbey.

  8. No one can dictate the heart, Phoebe…not even your humans! All you need is love; the world would be a better place if we’d all learn to love more.

  9. Phoebe, you are a girl with her head on straight! Friends is the way to go πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

  10. You both look purrfectly dressed for Downton. Did you see that the actress who plays Anna (we love her), just won a Golden Globe award? We are sorry about the no boyfuriend/girlfuriend rule. Those are the best relationships some of us have. But we do understand about “rules.” Thanks so much for joining and supporting our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ My Mom did too and she asked for it for Christmas about 10 years ago, but no one ever wants to play.

  11. I think just furriends is great..never say never though πŸ™‚ great selfies and careful you don’t make the buzzer go off hahahaaah πŸ™‚ hugs Fozziemum

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