Saturday Art

Hi everyone! Today we are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop. As most of you know, Sammy is a Cat Scout and several of them have flat versions of themselves for traveling to visit one another. Last week, Flat Sammy was missing so I decided to put his photo on a milk carton and display it on the Cat Scouts website.

flatsammy  I used ImageChef, I had never tried that

editor before, but it was idiot proof ( I could do it 🙂 ). And Flat Sammy has been located and is now visiting with Timmy Tomcat’s family.

Phoebe will see you tomorrow.




  1. So super happy that flat Sammy was found! This is such a cute idea. That’s another photo editing tool we haven’t heard of before. Mom’s going to check it out. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty may, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. Good that Sammy is in a safe place … and good that you told us about a new editor. Such fun you had and now we can too … thank you! And, I get it … idiot proof is a good thing 🙂

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  3. We are purrleased that Flat Sammy turned up safe and sound!

    Love the milk carton ad though – top marks!


    Basil 7 Co xox

  4. Oh thank GOODNESS! Mom will have to figure a way to flatten me so I cargo see Phoebe!

    1. That would be great, your Mom does need to make a flat Katie. Just get a 5 by 7 or 8 by 10 of you , then glue it to cardboard and cut it out.

  5. Why does mom ever see those typos till it’s too late! Sigh. She meant to have written “can go” xoxo

  6. Whew….we’re glad Flat Sammy has been found!! Love the artwork. We’re not familiar with that site either but are going to check it out.

    Happy Caturday!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. We’s so glad flat Sammy P has been found. We’s sure he’s havin’ a blast at Timmy and Einsteins. We’s never heard of dat site befur. Me’s gonna have mommy check it out. As ya’ know she needs idiot proof. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Me too 🙂 I am sure he is having fun at Timmy’s too.Your Mom will enjoy the site. XO

  8. Those milk cartons are handy for finding the lost! Glad SammyP’s flat has been located and he’s having some fun at Timmy’s!

    Hugs, Sammy

  9. We were so happy to see Sammy climb out of his travel envelope. Hot and tired but none the worse for wear. We have him as our Guest Selfie tomorrow and he has been resting and nomming so he looks his best.
    Purrs to Mom for that allergy. Dad is a RN and is very suspicious of the new testing. Amazing how there are so so many with asthma today no matter the better medication an testing.
    He thinks people living in little bubbles made out of spray this and odor that is the real cause. We are purring that Mom feels better in any event.
    Timmy, Dad and Family

    1. I am glad Sammy is doing well and look forward to seeing him do a guest selfie- that is nice of you to let him.
      I start the shots Monday, I will let you know how it goes.

    2. I am glad Sammy is doing well and look forward to seeing him do a guest selfie- that is nice of you to let him.
      I start the shots Monday, I will let you know how it goes. 🙂

    1. I had never heard of Image Chef until we looked up milk cartons. Were you missing before Wally?

  10. Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!!
    Mommy was laughig so hard, COFFEE comed out her nose! Mes LIVES it when that happens!
    Yous guys ROCKS!!


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