Roar of the week to R.O.A.R. and exclusive kitten photos.

Hi everyone and thanks for reading this blog. First off, I got the pleasure of seeing Mama Mia’s klittens yesterday. Here is the exclusive first photo: kittens 001They don’t even have their eyes open yet. I was given the honor of naming one, so I named the dilute calico ( 2nd from right) – Lil’ Lucy.

Today’s Roar goes to ROAR-Rescue Operation for Animals of the Reservation. Here is their link: I chose this group to send a monetary donation to because they had send me a packet of cat grass. Apparently many groups have the name ROAR so if you decide to donate, please use the link above. Although, any rescue  group for animals is worthy of a donation.

I am very excited- tonight I start a 5 week class on illustrating children’s books. I am so fortunate that it is being offered in my dinky little town and at a great price. I have written 2 children’s books -about cats, of course. I haven’t had any luck publishing so I am hoping if I illustrate them that I can get them published.

Don’t forget to make a comment to be entered to win a Frolicat sway toy for your cat. I will announce the winner on Friday. Thank you for reading and please spread the word.


  1. One of Mom’s friends has a dilute calico….and her name is LUCY!!! 🙂

    Thanks for the purrs and prayers for our Dad….we appreciate all of them!!

    The Florida Furkids

    1. I guess Lucy is a popular name for dilute calicos 🙂 Please keep us posted on your Dad.

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