Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is M of the a-z blogging challenge.

My M is Millie and he loves to MEOW. He is mainly in the kitchen, but loves to watch tv so he will meow constantly until we let him in. He also meows the minute he hears our alarm go off.


My thoughts and prayers are with Kelly and her family as her husband succumbed to his injuries fromย a car crash last month. ( There is a place to make donations if you wish to ( )

My ROAR for this week is C&W’s Rustic Hollow Shelter in Iowa that cares for 350 special needs cats. I saw that they were having an auction on Bidding for Good so I donated a new Biography of Robert DeNiro. I have several items set aside to donate so if you know of anyone having an auction to help kitties please let me know. If you want to donate or maybe even bid, here is their auction link:

One more thing thank you for all the comments yesterday. I am glad to have such caring readers that are concerned for all kitties. I believe this particular company to be safe with oils, but please ALWAYS consult with your vet before trying anything different on your kitties. I have always feared oils and won’t have those sticks or potpourri around, but the ones Tracy wrote about are safe for cats and dogs.


  1. Millie is a cutie – showing off his beautiful white tummy! We don’t know Miss Kelly or her blog but what a sad thing that is for all of her family. We’ll visit.

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. That is sweet of you to visit Kelly and her family. Kelly was our Secret Santa which is how we got to know her.

  2. veree nice ta see ewe two day millie…make sure ya meow bout mackerull !!!

    { N we R veree sorree ta lurn bout yur momz friendโ™ฅโ™ฅโ™ฅ }

  3. Millie, you are looking so very adorable in that photo. Thank you for donating to and sharing C & W Rustic Hollow Shelter’s auction. They are a wonderful shelter that helps so many FIV+ kitties. We will be sending purrs to Kelly and her family.

    1. I am sure Kelly will appreciate the visit. I love to donate to the auctions and this shelter sounds like an amzing place.

  4. M iss fur Mankat Milli who lookss like vanilley an iss so manlee inndeed!
    Wee iss sorry bout yur Furend’ss hubby; it iss nevurr easy to say “GoodBye” speshell when itt iss befur time…
    Sendin sympaffies an purrayerss….
    ~~head rubss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~ an LadyMum
    Pee S: Pleeze give mee sweet Phoebe gurl sum gentull ***kissess*** frum mee an fankss xxxxxx

        1. Thank you my sweet purrince- paw kisses, headrubs, hugs and kisses to you-Love, Phoebes.

    1. I was going to go with Meow, but I figured others might too so I went with Millie ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. So Sowry fur Miss Kelly and hers furmily. Weez’ll be purrayin’ fur them. What a cute meow M posty. Which weminds us, it’s almost dinner time.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Don’t want to forget dinner time- that is most important. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am sure Kelly will appreciate your prayers.

  6. Sendin’ healin’ purrs for broken hearts. So very sorry to hear ’bout Kelly’s husband.


    PS. Oh my mouses! Peep brought home a package from the mailbox today with my name on it. A package from you! A package that arrived ON my birthday. You must have an in with Canada Post or somethin’ ’cause I don’t know anyone who can manage that. Anywho… Peep #1 says I can open it this evening when we’re together in the family room and I really can’t wait. Thank you!!! Thank you ever-so-much. purrs

    1. I am sure Kelly will appreciate your purrs.
      I am glad the package arrived on your birthday- that was amazing. I hope you like the toys I made for you. Happy Birthday!

  7. Millie sure is cute! What a great “M” for the A-Z Challenge. ๐Ÿ™‚

    We are so sorry to hear about your friend Kelly’s husband passing away. We are purring and praying for Kelly and her family.

  8. M is for Millie! What a cutie and we bet his meow is as insistent as Levon’s can be! ๐Ÿ™‚

    We are sending our love and condolences to Kelly and to her family.

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Millie says thank you. Poor Kelly, I can’t even imagine what she is going through.

    1. I am sure Kelly appreciates everyone’s kind words. Millie is something else. ๐Ÿ™‚

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