Poetry Day and Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! 100_9961 I am still working on my letter to Santa because Mom threw my first letter away. Can you believe it? Just because I told Santa he could take Brody and give him to a child that wants a cat for Christmas.

I saw my Grammie Monday and Wednesday so I am very thankful. I love her so very much. And my Dad bought us a container of treats.

Here is my poem for my dear friend Sammy’s Poetry Day featuring the letter Y. There has been too much sadness lately which rubbed off in my poetry. I cheated a little with whY.

Why do we all have to die?
It is so hard to say goodbye.
I think all cats should have 25 years
so there would be less tears.

I know we are lucky to enjoy life
but when friends leave, it cuts like a knife.


I am joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


Tomorrow is a special day Madi came up with called Come Fly With Me Sammy, we will be participating.

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday. Mom came up with the first 2 and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second 2.

1. I have a hard time finding a gift for _______________.
2. I have no problem finding a gift for _________________.

3. One of the best gifts I ever gave was                         .

4. One of the best gifts I ever received was                              .



  1. I’m with you on the 25 years thing. We have two elderly cats – I’m happy they have such comfortable senior years, but I know the girls’ hearts will break when the time comes. Let me take a crack at the fill-ins:

    1. I have a hard time finding a gift for all my girls. I’ve started keeping a list in my phone that I add to, so maybe this Christmas will be different.
    2. I have no problem finding a gift for myself. I should know what I want, right? It helps that my needs and wishes are simple.

    3. One of the best gifts I ever gave was Stephen King’s registration card from the Hilton in Charlotte, to my sister. Don’t ask how I procured it. .

    4. One of the best gifts I ever received was the jersey from each of my girls’ first championship seasons, framed. .

    1. I hope your kitties live a long time. Thank you for your answers. I know what you mean about finding gifts for yourself, I find lots of great stuff for me when I go shopping. Stephen King’s registration card is quite impressive. KInd of like when Penny got Nimoy’s autograph for Sheldon on Big Bang Theory 🙂

  2. My poem today was “WHY” (Y) too…..I think it’s on so many of our minds we will read several of those today no doubt! Thanks for pawticipating in my poetry day Phoebe. I’m excited about tomorrow’s Hop – can’t wait to see where you take me.

    Love, Sammy

    1. Thank you Sammy, our poens were similar, but yours was superior. XO and love to you and your Mom.

  3. LOL, sorry but I’m glad your mom threw away the 1st letter before Santa saw it 🙂 Love your poem. I hope cats can live longer, too.

  4. Phoebe, somehow I knew you would try to wish Brody away for Christmas. We like Brody, and we know deep down so do you, so I think your mom did you a favor by scrapping that first letter. But you know what? This will give you the chance to make the most purrfect second letter to Santa Paws! Also, that poem is so beautiful and poignant. It may be a sad topic, but you executed it purrfectly. We can’t wait for the fill-ins tomorrow, and we’ll see you then!

  5. Yes, it hurts so very badly when we lose our four legged family members. I agree with you on this.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your wonderful mom. ☺

  6. Mee-you Phoebe gurl yur getting so good at ritin poe-emss!!! An mee rote a poe-em titled “Y?” all so!!!!
    Easy’ss leevin REELLY hit all of us so-o hard! Mee iss so sad……
    An maybee you should not menshun Santa Pawss takin Brody…..that mite not bee seen inn a good lite, mew mew mew……
    ****paw kissesss**** an all mee LUV, yur Poe-etick Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


      1. Littul did mee know when I rote that Unccle Sammy wood bee goin today…mee feelss so berry sad…..wven werse than sad….
        Mee Pappaw iss gone; mee Unccle Ben Da Hood, Jade Doggie, Forrest Doggie, Easy Doggie an now mee deer Unccle Sammy…..
        ***paw kisses*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

        1. We are very sad too- I wish I was with you my sweet purrince to comfort each other. XO and paw kisses

  7. Critters never live long enough, ever. My only comfort is that I will be reunited with all of them someday!

    Phoebe, it is nice to share love, but giving away Brody is not the way to do it. XO

  8. wadda ya meen yur mom threw yur letter a way……guess ewe can add her a de naughtee list…noe doubt ~~~ :)♥♥♥

  9. I like your poem! Maude, one of our dear departed cats of long ago, was 24 when she went to the bridge. I thought that was normal!
    Now that I know better, I wish it was true.

  10. If Brody stayed…he could be your minion Phoebe…think of all the possibilities! Lucky for you your Mama scrapped that first letter to Santa … ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. You haz to writes anuther letter? Wow! Brody might like living with Santa though.

    That’s a wonderful poem, Phoebe – too hard to miss fur babies – mom would love even 30 years…
    Nose Kissies and Purrz
    Katie Kat.

  12. Late as usual…but we still MOL’d at that first letter…you are a silly kitty, Phoebe…but we think secretly you love Brody…you just don’t like to share the Mommy;s lap.right?? We know you will come up with a better letter…and no we didn’t cheat and look ahead…

    But life does happen and we know there is even more sadness…sheesh. Why? Just like in your poem. Its hard enough when a fur is loved for many long years, but when they are still so young it hurts even more.
    Maybe all of our letters need to be begging for long happy and healthy lives…furry long years. Petcretary too, knows the hurting heart of fur babies leaving too soon…

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