Ordinary Time: Lessons Learned While Staying Put

Hi everyone. I have a NetGalley review today.  I try to only tell you about interesting books, but I am obligated to write a review when I get a book from NetGalley.

*I received a free ebook version of Ordinary Time: Lessons Learned While Staying Put by Annie B. Jones in exchange for a fair review. All opinions are my own. 

When I saw the title, I immediately wanted to read this book. I figured I could relate as I have lived in the same town for my entire life. I am 55 and just assumed the author would be at least my age or older to be writing about a lifetime of living in one place. I was disappointed when I started reading the book and realized she is just pushing 40. She is the owner of an independent bookstore and a podcaster, but I have never listened to From the Front Porch. I assume fans of that would enjoy the book.

The whole book isn’t bad, it just isn’t what I was expecting. She does write about some life lessons she feels she learned by staying in place. I think they are basic lessons we all learn in the course of a lifetime. I guess if one is in their 20’s they might find this useful, but I did not. I do agree with her thought that a small life is worth as much as a big one meaning you can do great things wherever you are.


Rosie wants you all to know that she is a good model now too. And she hopes she is awww…. worthy because we are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays .




  1. Sorry that book was disappointing for you…but I am sure there’re tons more to give you pleasure and good advice/ideas!

    Rosie looks so sweet in that pretty dress…as did Dusty! I enjoyed that triple use as well! Ethel looks quite relaxed. Brodie, looks like he’s enjoying a good nap, and Tuffy hopes you won’t try anting like using a brush…LOL!

  2. A good review. We each see things differently, and see the value differently. Write this one off to just one of those not for me reads. Thankfully I get very very few fails on NetGalley, but then I just read the fiction that sounds like fun. Not adventurous at all, MOL
    What a lovely dress, Rosie will be another belle of the festive ball.

  3. It’s difficult to read a book from cover to cover when you find it’s not up to what you wanted. But you did a good job telling us about it thank you. And that Rosie she sure shows off a red dress.

  4. Your review made me smile. I have read articles on how to care for aging skin written by someone barely 40 complaining about wrinkles. Good Lord! How would a 40 year old know about aging skin? Wait until she’s 70! That’s aging skin! It’s all perspective. I didn’t feel like I was old or knew everything when I was 40 and I didn’t give advice!

  5. Rosie is aww worthy in or out of costume. You’re about the same age as my son so I can identify with the notion of being disappointed by a 40 year old imparting wisdom in a book. I had to snort at that! Happy Monday, Ellen.

  6. Ellen I agree about her age and life experiences.
    One thing I hope she mentions or has realized is to seize each day with gusto and live it to the fullest.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. I liked your review and opinion about her age and experience 😉
    At 21, the book would likely appeal to a younger crowd I try to remember what 21 was like 😉

  8. You read such wonderful books.

    Rosie is always a huge Awww.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to the kitties and a big hug to mom. ♥

  9. Rosie is adorable!
    I read a book over the weekend that had such a glaring plot hole; didn’t an editor see that?
    Oh well, they can’t all be five star reads, but we absorb a little something from every book.

  10. I don’t know Ellen, I think I have to disagree. One can do great things living a small place or at least to those in such a community. I know from personal experience it’s those small home towns that the underprivileged get overlooked or forgotten and it’s really nice when someone special reaches out to those in need. I appreciate your honest review. Sometimes a book doesn’t quite live up to its expectation. I hope you and yours had a blessed Thanksgiving, my dear! xo

  11. Rosie ~ you are a big ‘Awww’ ~ so sweet and precious ~
    As for the book ~ well it could be read on different levels and take what you need and leave the rest ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. You nose Aunty Ellen wee think many of THE sumthin-20’ss NEED to reed this book! Sum of THE oness wee encountur on Twitch an Discord due not have many ‘life skillss’ at all!!! YIKESS!
    Rosie yore ALLWAYSS AWWWW werthy!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

  13. Ellen, I think your review makes me take a good look at the opposite of staying in place. Jerry and I have moved so many times—mostly because of his Army career. I have always thought I would have been happy “staying in place.” I guess I will never know. My gal pal from kindeegarten stayed in place with her husband and their family and I see that is definitley where she needed to be. She and I talk about it all the time. Jerry and I talk about it occasionally. I definitely agree with you that we all can do great things wherever we are.
    Rosie is, for sure, awwwwwwww worthy. She’s a sweetie in a festive holiday dress 🙂

  14. Your review sounds fair, a good book for those young enough to not have learned these things yet.

    Rosie is a great model and very awww=worthy.

  15. Charlee: “We’re sorry the book was disappointing. This one doesn’t sound quite that bad, but our Dada has been known to say a book made him want to throw his reader at the wall. He’s never done it though.”
    Chaplin: “Rosie! Are you doing tango face in your bright red dress? Slow, slow, quick quick slow!”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, when did you learn how to tango?”
    Chaplin: “Well you don’t hang around Mama and Dada for over seven years without learning a little something about dancing.”

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