Nosey Rosie’s Tips 33

Hi everyone! I hope you are not getting sick of me.

I bet you want to hear the rest of the kidney story. As you know, they went missing on December 19th and on Christmas Day Joanie puked under the bed so mom got on the floor to clean it up and low and behold- she spotted a kidney sticking out from under our tunnel. It was a Christmas miracle.

In other news, someone has been sneaking into the dining room. That would be me, well I was until Mom started hooking the door again. Angel Millie used to open it all the time so Dad put a hook on it, but lately they have forgotten to lock it and I made that discovery.  I could have framed Penny, but they knew it was me when they found a shredded plastic bag- I like the see what is inside of bags.

While I was in there, I saw some art projects. The Great One and Typhoid Mary made these:

And mom and Sammy have been making these wreaths for Cat Scouts next month:

They are easy to make. You just cut cardboard into the shape of a heart. Then glue some painted puzzle pieces onto the cardboard. Mom bought puzzles at The Dollar Tree. The big one was a kid’s puzzle of 48 pieces and the other was an adult puzzle with 350 pieces, but she only used 150 pieces.

I decided to help so I added some kitty stickers to improve the wreath:

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop 

and Create With Joy’s Inspire Me Monday


  1. MOL, about the kidneys!! Imagine that!

    The dining room sure was a treasure trove, eh Rosie?? Thanks for showing us whAt you found. Those puzzle projects are so cool! I think I will show that to the peeps who help the residents where I work, to do a project like that. Then they can decorate their rooms for Valentine’s Day!

    And no we are not sick of you, Rosie! You are too sweet and cute for that!

  2. What a blessing in disguise for Mom E to find those kidneys when she was cleaning up Joanie’s horkage. Sorry you got found out about sneaking into the dining room, Rosie. Guess it was good while it lasted, huh?

    We like those wreaths. So creative!


  3. Glad those kidneys got found! That was fun when you could sneak into the living room and found those lovely art projects.

  4. What a brilliant idea to make hearts!!!! Maybe mama will make one for papa. BRILLIANT. You have such goot tips, you little devil, especially when one has lost a set of kidneys!

  5. The Case Of The Missing Kidneys – SOLVED! Great because we were worried about that. Love the Valentine’s hearts and it will be tons of fun making those at Scouts.

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Of course, we’re not sick of you! Glad the kidneys have been recovered. Those little pieces are a pain in the neck to keep track of

  7. Thank goodness the kidneys are found. Ids that the bladder they are connected to? Mom and I LOVE that doll!

  8. I must not be awake. I first read this and thought Joanie had puked up the kidney! LOL but I’m happy the kidneys have been found and I really like your puzzle heart art 😀

    1. MOL! No,she didn’t puke up the kidney, but if she hadn’t puked than who knows when I would have cleaned under the bed. 🙂 XO

  9. I never get tired of seeing you, Rosie. You’re so cute.

    Glad you found the kidneys.

    Love that heart. You’re so crafty.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to mom. 😻

  10. Sweet photo of you dear kitty ~ never tired of you ~ glad the ‘kidney’ was found and creative puzzles too ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of happy moments,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. OMC wee wundered who eated THE MIA Kidney!!! Wee hope Joanie iss OKay!
    An Rosie wee nevurr get tired seein YOU <3
    Aunty Ellen an Rosie yore Wreethss are so beeuteefull…guud call on kitty stickerss!
    **nose kissess** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  12. Deer Rosie, so relieved the missing kidney was found. Also Momma’s heart puzzies look like fun… to paw apart, that is. I would deffynitly volunteer to help if needed. Love, Dori

  13. rosie….well, in thiz case, hurlz a good thing… hay joanie !! 😉 knot THAT ewe hurled, but that de shop vac dinna knead ta… get tuff with sum folkz…. bout partz….hay thoz heartz day oh lovez heartz iz awesum….total lee grate eye dea 🙂 ♥♥♥

  14. The finding of the kidneys… a Christmas miracle… LOL! Rosie, at least you are an honest girl. I love the art hearts AND The Great One’s and Typhoid Mary’s art projects. They are very colorful.

  15. Good grief, Rosie – we never tire of you – you are just so cute. Great news on the kidney find. And thanks for sharing the beautiful artwork. Hope you find that door unlatched more often. But just leave the plastic bags alone:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

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