Nosey Rosie’s Tips 26

Hi everyone! You are stuck with me again today. Penny said her tocks had to pose Sunday so she doesn’t have to work today. My tocks posed too, but I don’t have seniorority like she does. Where can I get me some of that?

  No one bought my albino gremlin so I guess I am stuck with him.  Joanie said I need to read the book, Taming Your Gremlin.

She also offered to help me potty train him like she did Gremmie, but I need a smaller potty chair or mine will fall in and get wet and I will have more problems. Any ideas where to buy a tiny potty chair?

Mom found me another fun youtube video with bats to chase:


See you next week too because Penny says Monday is a holiday so she can take her holiday on Tuesday.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. Rosie I do enjoy your posts! I bet your mom could come up with an idea for a tiny potty chair since she is very creative! 🙂 <3

  2. HHmmm fore a wee potty chair maybee a toy store with those little housess an teeny furniture Rosie?!? Iss werth a try.
    An mee iss sorry you have yo keep yore Albino Gremmie…maybee THE Universe thinkss you an THE littel one beelong twogether!
    An you can due Tipss anytime….
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita

    1. Thank you. My mom found a tiny toilet the the Dollar Tree today. 🙂 Now all I need is tiny toilet paper. XO

  3. Maybe soon you’ll have some seniority over those new sisfurs in the bedroom, Rosie.
    Penny sure is seeking for ay excuse it seems!! LOL! But we love when you are here, too, Rosie.
    Sometimes hobby stores have miniature things…you might even find a potty! LOL!

  4. Good to see you Joanie! I have no ideas about the gremlin but reading the instructional book sounds like a good place to start! XO

  5. Penny is making you do all the work but it is always nice to see you Rosie. It would be a good idea to tame your Gremlin. As long as you keep him dry you will be okay.

  6. Getting some of that seniority might be a challenge. I think Penny might hold that over you, Rosie. Joanie might lend you some! This post is very funny what with having to potty train your Gremlin and Gremmie on his tiny potty… LOL! I have no doubt your Mom will find a tiny toidie!

  7. Rosie, I do believe Penny is using her seniority to buffalo you into doing her work. Well, something like that!
    Katie Isabella

  8. Good luck with training your Gremlin Rosie. Hope the books is helpful. The bat video sounds like fun. I’ll have to tell my Teddy about that one.

  9. You made me laugh out loud with the seniority remark.

    It’s important to have the right size of potty.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  10. We never heard of potty training a gremlin, we wish we could help you ! A tiny litter box maybe ?

  11. Happy Bat Chasibgm, Rosie. We bet that is a lot of fun. We have been chasing bugs on the deck this week. Lots of Japanese beetles, and we don’t even have any rose bushes.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Rosie and Joanie, it is nice to see you. And we are going to check out that bat video now!

  13. The Hubby was already potty trained when I first met him, and lucky for us, all of our cats were trained to use the litter box too!
    When Sweetie and Angel PO’M came inside, I was concerned that they didn’t know what litter box was, but they used them immediately.

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