Nosey Rosie’s Tips 23

Hi everyone.  Penny is taking today off because yesterday was a holiday, but she doesn’t work Mondays so she is taking today off. Plus she is mad at mom because Grammie was going to buy her more Temptations, but mom said she had enough for now.


I want to let you in on a little secret- we have all been lied to. You know how everyone tells you that you can’t get a gremlin wet? Well, I accidentally got Gremmie wet when I was babysitting and nothing happened.

Before I go, we want to wish a L’Shanah Tovah to all our Jewish friends celebrating Rosh Hashanah ( The New Year) today.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.



  1. That is some interesting information there Rosie. We don’t have a gremlin at the moment but you never know when one will pop up. We don’t celebrate but are Jewish thanks for the Mitzva!

  2. If Temptations are anything like dog treats, then you can never have too much:)

    No Gremlins here, so we can’t test your theory about them getting wet. Just hope you are right:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. rosie; we total lee get it; we iz knot a loud ta haz treetz cept for may bee a fancy feast fish onze a centuree and now we iz knot due for nother til like 3021 ~~~~~~~~~
    🙂 ♥♥

  4. You must not have gotten Gremmie wet after midnight, or something like that.

    Hope you are all having a great week!

  5. EEEKKKK!! Gremmie gotted wet,,,,an nothin’ happened?? That iss a reeleef Rosie!
    An Sammy you look purrty snazzy inn yore tie!
    L’Shonah Tova to you Miss Ellen an yore Mistur an all THE Kittiess!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an <3 BellaSita

    Pee S: Mee playss with Wokta-pussy efurry nite!! Shee iss alot of fun!
    Thanx again….
    Pee S S: BellaSita still does not have a cammyra so wee can not show off Wokta-pussy. If you have a foto of an orange Wokta like mine, cuud nee use it fore mee bloggie???

    1. I don’t have a photo of an orange one but I will send you a photo of Sammy’s. I am glad you like yours. XO

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