Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest

Hi everyone! I thought it would be fun to take turns spinning this for our fortunes today.

First off, I will let Penelope tell you about her vet visit.

I just want to say mom best watch her back. She is going to pay for taking me to the vet and slipping me a mickey before we went. She thought it would make me be nicer, but I managed to bite mom (barely broke the skin though) and the vet tech (big baby had on welding gloves).

Apparently, I have arthritis. The vet didn’t push the injection. She said glucosamine helps cats, so mom got a supplement for that for me and some pain meds to use as needed for now. Dad is anti-injection because he worries about the side effects.

Back to Rosie-

I have had another quiet week. I guess I am safe for a couple more weeks. There is rumor of a sleepover with Typhoid Mary on the 27th and one with The Great One the week after.

I think Penelope forgot to tell you she weighs 12 pounds and should weigh about 9. Mom is supposed to get some low-calorie food for her.

OK- if you want me to spin and tell you your fortune just let me know in the comments and I will reply with what came up.

See you next week.




  1. The glucosamine supplement sounds like a good treatment choice for Penelope! Yay for quiet weeks! I think my fortune’s a little iffy right now, so I’m not going to ask! XO

  2. There is no fun getting old but I know you will overcome the arthritis and live a long time with little pain

  3. ZOBALINE!!!!! Why didn’t mama TELL you about how it helped me so much with y arthritis!!!!! Mama, you are baaaad. I took a zobaline every morning, 3mg, crushed in a tiny bit of yogurt and LOVED it. It turns pink and is delicious. Worth every penny. Mama wishes she had found it sooner than she did, but I couldn’t walk upstairs or jump or anything and soon I was JUMPING up on the bed and more. So sorry we didn’t mention it sooner. And yes, let’s have out fortune, please and thank you.

    1. Mom looked it up and it is for diabetic cats with neuropathy so it probably won’t work for her, but thank you. xO

  4. Now Rosie I’m not sure it was a very nice idea of you to talk about Penelope’s weight. She may be embarrassed by it just like my Precious is. We certainly hope that pills will help penelope. And I guess you better hope that Wheel of Fortune Arrow Falls on Good Times when the girls are there.

  5. Penelope, you poor kitty! I hope glucosamine supplements will help. I take glucosamine with turmeric and it helps. I don’t know if cats can have turmeric.
    Rosie, spin the wheel and let me know my fortune! 😺

    1. Mom will look into turmeric for cats- mom takes that. Your fortune says: Your patience will be rewarded soon. XO

  6. I know that it will help you Rosie. Glad I’m not the only one who isn’t happy at vet visits. I wasn’t that way until bad techs who didn’t know how to handle cats got ahold of me. Really. They are what ruined me.
    What’s my fortune?

  7. Welding gloves? You are a fighter! I had a cat that was sensitive to injections of any kind. She always got sick for a few days. The vet was able to switch one vaccine to a liquid form for here. Penelope is just a “fluffy” cat. My Sasha is “fluffy.”

  8. Oh, not to worry about the weight, mine Mommy says “chubby cats, oh, just more to love”, even when the vet lady says I should lose weight … and I won’t eat that yukky “other foodz”. No way,
    so that is that! But mine Mommy says good luck to yours just the same.

  9. You bit mom? Oh no. It’s what happens when we take our babies to the vet. We have to take you though. I think you know that. If it makes you feel better then it’s important to go.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to your wonderful mom. ♥

  10. Charlee: “Penelope! They have been slipping me mickeys for my vet visits, too! Now I just run away whenever anybody starts looking at me too intently. Can’t get put in the crate if they can’t catch you!”
    Chaplin: “Low-calorie food?! The horror!”

  11. Rosie and Penelope ~ you both are so precious ~ Vet visits necessary but not fun ~ hugs,

    Sure spin and let me know ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Aww, sweet Penelope…vet visits are never fun but they just mean your mama loves you very much and wants to keep you healthy and comfortable. Hopefully the glucosamine will do wonders and alleviate and arthritic pain and stiffness. We haver our paws crossed for you.

  13. Just know parents have to be sneaky sometimes because it’s for your own good but seriously Pen you gotta learn to not bite the medical staff. You might get muzzled and I’m purrtty sure you wouldn’t like that. And please try to not be mad at Mom. She just loves you. 😉

  14. penelope…it IZ pay bak time…..yea, go online and ordurr non refund a bull fiction bookz for yur mom…that’ll fix her wagon! N yes pleez rosie give de wheel a spin for me pleez…. 😺💙💚‼️🐟

    1. They always show up here, but sometimes they take a while to show online. Sorry that happens. Your fortune says: Good things will come your way. 🙂

  15. Maybe you should cut your mom some slack, especially if she relieves your pain with the treatments, Penelope.

    Rosie, I still wish you would try to make friends with the girls, they won’t hurt you.

  16. We understand why injections aren’t on everyone’s list, Rosie, and we are sure you are getting the bestest care a kitty could ever receive.
    Chonker Penelope?

  17. Penelope, we hope the glucosamine will help you. Lightning took it for years and we do think it helped some. Misty was taking it too but the vet took it away when she seemed to have bad reactions to everything. Rosie, we bet if you tried you could have fun with those little girls.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  18. Penelope, I hope the glucosamine makes a difference and you feel better. I think I should give glucosamine a try. I had to laugh over the welding gloves. You are a force to be reckoned with! Rosie, give me a spin please! Oh, and just give the girls a chance. I think it is all okay… you will be fine, you might like having some time with them.

  19. Happy Quietness Days!! I hope Penelope does well with the glucosamine. It helped Pipo, too.
    Minko was a biter at the vet place, too…he had a reputation, as did Angel Toki.

    You know, if Penelope was a wee bit lighter, her joints wouldn’t be as sore…but shhhhh, we didn’t say that, OK??! LOL!

  20. Glucosamine is a good advice of the vet, Penelope, it works on people too😸😺Healing Pawkisses just for you and for you Rosie, of course one too🐾😽💞

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