Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone!

I have had a peaceful week. The girls were here last Tuesday, but only for an hour because of mom’s covid. She had taken a covid test Monday and was negative so she thought it was safe to get the girls, but once she got them, she felt feverish and sicker so she tested again and it was covid so their mother said to bring them home. Typhoid Mary ended up with covid too.

We have a what came first thing going here like the chicken and the egg. Typhoid Mary said mom made her sick, but mom thinks TM was carrying the germs and mom just showed symptoms first. You see, when they went out to lunch, Miss Piggy mom took Typhoid Mary’s leftover mac and cheese home and ate it the next day and got sick 3 days later. Well, now poor Grammie has it too. So mom watched the kids yesterday at their house and she is today too.

Poor Dusty had a seizure on Sunday night. Mom heard a cat screeching and thought some of us were fighting, but she found Dusty on the bureau with all her legs in the air and her body moving all around. Mom grabbed her and put her on the bed and she was ok a minute later so it wasn’t too bad, but it sure scared my folks. They have never had a cat that had a seizure, so they thought she was dying. And they have no idea why that happened.

Here are the first two concrete pumpkins.

Next project mom is gathering supplies for is a wire spiderweb. They are $65 on Etsy and she can make one for less than $10.

And before I sign off, did you know it is my favorite time of the year?

School starts Thursday-yippeee!!!!

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.



  1. Oh my, Ellen, I’m so sorry that your family members have caught Covid. I’ve just recently read that the number of cases has gone up this summer. We are purring up a storm here for you and your family to all have rapid recoveries. Rosie looks adorable today, and those concrete pumpkins are really unique, l like them! That video made me laugh! XO

  2. Dearest Ellen,
    Hoping you all will soon be fit again and ready to start the season with the ‘r’ in the month for cooler weather.
    That must have been scary for all when Dusty had her seizure.
    Hope that will not repeat itself!
    Mariette + Kitties

  3. Oh, Dear. There is. mini epidemic of Covid in your family. Sheesh. I hope it soon goes away, and that you all will be healthy again.
    And many pawyers for Dusty. That sure was scary, and we hope it won’t happen again.
    Those pumpkins turned to be quite amazing!! They do look realistic!

    I like how Rosie is peering and surveying her domain! Tee-Hee!

    And things will really get quiet when school resumes, It has already started her, this past Wednesday. I hope the f=girls won’t miss any due to the covid miseries.

  4. I did leave out, those purrs include Dusty! (I’m forgetful these days.) We hope whatever caused her seizure will be found soon! XO

  5. Well, covid is SO contageous. Do not be around ANYONE if you have covid or think someone you are hanging out with has covid. Mama and papa are STILL masking in supermarkets and avoiding crowds but of course they are a bit…uh…older than your mama, kitties. I hope Dusty doesn’t have it…don’t think so, haha. WONDERFUL punkins.

  6. Rosie, some of your news today is bad news. The whole family with covid. It’s always been our fear with just the two of us and that’s how it worked out here. Two in one house and both sick only in your house you’ve got way more. And now sweet Dusty, what is her problem. We certainly hope it was a one-time situation maybe she ate something during the night she should not have. Everybody stay safe and get well.

  7. I am so sorry to hear about Covid going through your family and I am sad to hear about Dusty’s seizure. I really like those amazing pumpkins!

  8. OH, I hate hearing Dusty had a seizure! I know there is no way of predicting these things. I am so sorry. And the entire family coming down with covid is horrible. XOXO

  9. I would freak out too if a cat acted like that. How did you know it was a seizure? (I’m assuming because it stopped/went away ?) Prayers for Dusty and hopefully your family gets better very fast!

    1. From what I read online it was a seizure, but at least not a grand mal which lasts much longer. Thank you. XO

  10. There sure is a lot of Covid going around. I hope everyone feels better soon. Poor Dusty…I hope it’s nothing serious. Those concrete pumpkins turned out really cute!

  11. OHHHHHHHHH no that Covid is a vicious virus spreading like wild fire.
    I send purrs for everyone to feel better very soon and that Dusty has no more seizures
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Charlee: “Oh no! We are sorry to hear about Dusty’s seizure! Our Dada’s dog when he was much younger had seizures, and the first time she had one Dada was home alone with her and didn’t know what to do. He was scared, too! But she was okay and ended up on medication and stuck around until Dada was all grown up. She even got to meet our Mama many years later!”
    Java Bean: “Ayyy, lucky dog, getting to meet Mama!”
    Chaplin: “We send lots of purrs for everyone to feel better from the nasty COVID soon.”
    Lulu: “And we dogs send lots of tail wags!”

  13. rosie….eye hope de bass turd covid haz left de buildin N never ree ternz..tell mom de pumpkinz bee awesum pawsum, her N dad-did a grate job….dusty…eye send
    purrayur way N hope like ewe noe what… ewe never haza nother see zure gain….they bee scaree stuffz…🙀🙀💙🐟💚

  14. It doesn’t matter who gets it first, it just goes around and around. Here’s hoping everyone gets over it and Dusty is okay after this.

  15. A few people that I know locally have just come down with Covid, so there is a resurgence going around!
    Poor Dusty; hope that it never happens again.

  16. Yikes on all the covid sickness. Hope you all get well soon.

    Oh no on the seizure. Kitties can have seizures. Frightening indeed.

    Loved the video. That’s how I felt when it was time to go back to school. Quiet in the house and it was wonderful.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. XO ♥

  17. I sure hate to hear that you and your family have been feeling awful with the Covid.Hope it goes away soon.
    Poor Dusty! Wonder what was going on with that? Hope she will be ok.
    I like how the pumpkins turned out! Cool idea. 🙂

  18. Dusty ~ do hope you will be okay and your family recovers quickly from Covid ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. Wow, school started here three weeks ago! Summers keep getting shorter and shorter. Sorry, so many of you have gotten COVID, and really sorry about Dusty having a seizure. Mom is praying it is a one off. They never get easier to see. Everyone take care. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  20. So sorry about all the Covid. It is a very highly contagious virus so we are not surprised. We hope all of you recover well and don’t have too bad a time with it.

    Angel Ciara suffered terribly with seizures and Mom fully understands how scary they can be. Ciara’s started days after we lost her best buddy Thunder – they were more closely bonded than any dogs Mom has ever had. We hope Dusty doesn’t have any more.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  21. Healing prayers and wishes to you all. I’m so sorry for all the illness and Dusty’s scary seizure. Please, all be well; your family is a bedrock to our blogging community. ~hugs~

  22. School started today here! Poor Dusty. I hope it doesn’t happen again. Seizures are very scary. When I got COVID I immediately gave it to mom, and dad too even though he was in the hospital at the time and I was wearing a mask! (I obviously didn’t know I had it when I visited him.)

  23. Darn it. We are so sorry that everyone caught Covid, regardless of who had it first. We are purring for you all to recover soon. And for Dusty, too. That seizure sounds like it was terrible.

  24. So sorry everyone has covid. Poor Dusty, I hope he doesn’t have any more seizures. So scary for him and your folks. I like the pumpkins.


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