Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone!

I had another quiet week, but that is about to change. The girls will be here all day Tuesday.

Penny was the big hero this week. Dad picked some mushrooms that he thought were oyster mushrooms. He didn’t realize there was a poisonous look alike. Well, Penny kept standing by the basket of them and wouldn’t stop meowing so dad decided to read up on them a bit and it turns out these were angel wing mushrooms which are poisonous and could have gotten him his angel wings.

Mom has a cold- not Covid, she did a test. She can’t blame Typhoid Mary because she hasn’t been sick, but apparently The Boy has had a cough for a few weeks, and she spent some time with him last week. Or maybe she caught something when they were all out school clothes shopping.

Mom tried to do Dash Kitten Blog’s scavenger hunt on Sunday, but she couldn’t get a photo of one of us stretched out so being that she is sick, I will help her out.

And here is a gratuitous toe bean shot.

And the winner of Trouble’s giveaway for Black Cat Appreciation Day is Murphy over at The Island Cats. He is a handsome mancat- stop over if you haven’t met him yet.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. Close call on those mushrooms and wow! Good going, Penny! So sorry Mom has a cold, sending purrs for fast recovery. Many congrats to Murphy of The Island Cats! XO

  2. Poisonous mushrooms! It was just as well Penny detected this. Good girl!!!
    We cats have to be very careful of our humans. I don’t think I can open the food packets.

  3. Dearest Ellen,
    Wow, Penny earned a LOT of points by warning her Dad about the risk he could be facing when eating those Pleurocybella porrigens!
    Lovely stretching and toe bean images.
    Hope you soon feel fit again!
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. OH, so sorry about the cold. And PLEASE BE CAREFUL WITH MUSHROOMS. You should ALWAYS have a certified mycologist look at any questionable funguses. In Italy, every YEAR there are families who are completley wiped out or at least lose a member from hunted mushrooms! Mama will only eat porcini, cepes, morilles, or the ones grown on a log by our neighbor, field mustrooms, oh and chanterelles. PLEASE BE CAREFUL, dear family!!!!!!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Dad tries to be careful, but mom wishes he would stick to the grocery store. xO

  5. Rosie, first thing we are glad that your mom only has a bad cold and that your dad did not eat the mushrooms. Penny did a good job making sure he paid more attention to what he picked. We love the pink toes.

  6. Whoa! That’s scary about the mushrooms. Sorry mom has a cold and glad it’s not Covid. Those pink beans are too cute. I took a few pics of the Blue Moon supermoon. It is dazzling.

  7. That is scary about those mushrooms. I will admit I don’t care for mushrooms. If I am served some in a dish at a home I was invited to, I close my eyes and eat them. But not voluntarily. Rosie, you are absolutely a hero! I am VERY impressed with you. What a GOOD good girl! Snoochies to you from my mom. And I hope your Mom gets through that cold quickly.
    Katie said many many many thanks for the prayers. Both she and I are extremely grateful for them. They are heard.

  8. I’m sorry that Mom is sick. Hopefully, she’s feeling better so that she can keep up with those small two legged humans whose coming to terrorize you today. lol Oh, I’m so happy to read Penny alerted Dad of the mushroom bad boys. I know some are suppose to be really good for you but I don’t trust any of them and we’re both quite sensitive to them so you won’t catch us eating them unless it’s at gun point. I think we’re pretty safe from that happening. Try to make the most of your day, if you can little furriend!

  9. Hope mom is feeling better soon (like tomorrow) so she can enjoy the girls! Bad mushrooms, yikes!

  10. Oona: “Penny is definitely a hero! She is a mushroom ninja!”
    Chaplin: “We’re sorry your mom isn’t feeling well, Rosie. We send lots of purrs for her to feel better soon!”
    Charlee: “Gratuitous toe bean shot? What is that? There are never enough toe bean shots …”

  11. Yikes on those mushrooms. I’m glad he did the research. Yikes.

    Today will be fun and noisy with the girls there.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

  12. Congratulations to Murphy, thank you for humoring your sick mom, and I do hope she feels better soon!

  13. penny…purr son a lee eye think ewe dee serve a ree ward….may bee ten yeerz werth
    oh cat treetz, treetz a day ta keep de bad shroomz a way….984 pawz UP for a lertin yur dad….him N mom knead ta ad just ther diet….ta fish…plane and simpull 🐟🐟🐟 hope mom getz ta feelin better…😺💙🐟‼️😷

  14. I’m very glad no one ate the poison mushrooms!
    Hope your mom will be feeling better soon <3

  15. Penny ~ you are one sweet heroine saving Dad ~ big hugs to you both ~ ^_^

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Mee-yow Rosie o much goin on there!!! Wee hope Aunty Ellen getss well soon. An wee are so-o reeleeved Unkell red up on those Mushyroomss an did NOT eat them…Why they called ‘Angel’ss Wingss’ iss weerd rite? WAY TO GO Penny!
    An what a great s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d out foto an those tow beanss are furabuluss….
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  17. Wow – that was a good catch on the poisonoous mushrooms. Hope the noise wasn’t too bad with the girls visiting.

    Our human brother has Covid for the fifth time and he has been very good about keeping up with his vaccines. He has CCL so he has to be very careful. But he just had a big work trip to India. Luckily he hasn’t been too sick so far.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  18. Wow that is scary about the mushrooms. Hope you feel better soon Ellen. Great update and congratulations to Murphy.

  19. Rosie, I hate to hear that your Mom has anything cold like/respiratory going on. Make sure she takes care of herself. Good on Penny for catching on to the imposter mushrooms! Congratulations to the Island Cats for the win! Very cute gifts of celebration!

  20. All these photos are absolutely adorable. Hope Mom Ellen is better soon. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  21. Penny is a true hero! Maybe their scent or ‘vibes’ scared her? Glad your Dad didn’t eat those! Phew!
    Great stretching toe beans, Rosie!
    Hope the girl’s visit will not be too stressful, including there qsquabbling issues, LOL!

    Get well wishes for your Mom, there is a lot of various ‘stuff’ making the rounds here, too.

  22. (We’re sending a copy of our message. Angel stepped on the first one and it disappeared.)We hope your mom is feeling better. We’ve noticed that since the boys moved in, they seemed to take turns getting sick. (It was their first year in daycare, so we hope it’s better this year.) Purrs, Snoops and Sgt Stripes (and Angel)

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