Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! Sorry I look so sleepy.

I am still tired from having to be in high alert all day on Sunday when the girls were here and lots of people. I managed to avoid everyone even when mom brought the girls into the bedroom so Joanie could give them their Christmas gifts from her.

Guests were greeted by our knight in armor who was disguised as Santa.

Mom serves drinks from our antique Coca Cola cooler.

This year she bought some Sam Adams Winter Lager. Not sure why everyone laughed when she asked if anyone wanted some lay-ger.

And look at the beautiful blankie her niece had made for her. I am a bit miffed that I am not on it. Most of the cats on it are angels except Joanie.

Speaking of Joanie, please include her in your prayers. She has her checkup scheduled for Jan. 3rd, but if she doesn’t start eating more, mom is going to get her in sooner. She is on thyroid meds and has the start of kidney disease. Mom tries everything on her like appetite stimulant, anti-nausea meds, pepcid and lactulose. Usually those things work, but lately Joanie acts hungry then walks away from the food. And she has a huge selection to choose from.

Well, that is all for this week. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. You did lots of good work on your gabfest, Rosey, so no wonder you are sleepy! Love the Santa disguise and the cooler, and that is a beautiful blanket! Good work by your Mom’s niece too! We’re sending lots of purrs for Joanie to feel better, and chow down. XO

  2. We understand your sleepiness, Rosie, at least you’re here today, cute as effurr😸 That blankie is very beautiful💗Will send a lot of Healing Pawkisses for Joanie. Hope she will eat soon🙏Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞

  3. Wow, so much to tell and show us!

    We sure hope and parry that Joanie will rally and eat better. Maybe the vet can give some other good ideas to get her to eat better.

    (When Minko wouldn’t eat, petcretary used a very tiny spoon, it was flat and held about 1/4 tsp past the most…kind of like the spoons that are used to give samples of icecream, etc; and she would put little bits of his food right into his mouth, and he did well…though I had to eventually do that three times a day…we never did find out why he wouldn’t eat on his own…)

    1. Thank you. I will feed her with a syringe if it gets to that point. Minko was blessed to have you. xO

  4. OH, that blankie is fabulous. And have you tried the gel that you suggested for me, Loulou, that goes in an ear at night and makes us kitties hungry? It worked on me so well. I’m sending Joanie good vibes! That ear stuff is pricey but worked wonders. xxx

    1. Thank you. Yes, I did and even that wasn’t helping, but I gave her Pepcid and knock on wood, 3 times, it helped. XO

  5. Glad your family house party for Christmas was a hit! We knew it would be since your Mom is such a good cook and your house always looks like Christmas lives there. We are sending Joanie some POTP and hope she begins eating again soon. That blanket your Mom’s niece made looks very snuggly and I’m sure you kitties will try it out for snuggability!

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Dear Rosie, we are glad that the human party went so well. And that you managed to avoid the humans. What a lovely blanket that your mommy got. That means a lot to her. We hope Joanie find something to her taste and starts eating good.

  7. Joanie….I really am sorry to hear that you are going through this. Bless you. And I hope that you starts feeling better starting now! XXXXXXX

  8. Very happy your Christmas Open House was wonderful! I am sorry to hear that Joanie is not feeling well. I hope you find something that she likes to eat. I will be sending my prayers for her to start eating and feeling better. The blanket your Mom’s niece made is beautiful!

  9. My cats go into hiding on their own when we have people in. Sometimes people will get a glimpse of Gus but usually the noise level is too high for them! Glad your gala affair went well!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I am always afraid one will panic and end up outside so it alleviates my stress to lock them in the bedrooms.

  10. rosie, tell yur mom thatz oh kay, therz an “accent” heer in TT all sew 😺🐟 and st francis blezzingz joanie, purrhapz mom can look in two a B 12 shot and noe joke, tell her ta sprinkle parmesan cheez
    on wet food…knot a lot…but it will jump start an appa tite…sardeenz in water all sew 💙🐟💚

  11. Oh Joanie ~ sending you lots of healing energy hugs ~ love you ~

    That. is an awesome blanket you received and am sure the ‘sleepy one’ would like to be on it ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Prayers for Joanie. She’s so precious.

    What a fun party you had. Wish I was closer. I would love to meet you and all your kitties.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. xo ♥

  13. Mee-yow Rosie what a reeport!! Mee wanted to let you an THE Crew nose wee gotted yore Catmess Card yesterday!!! Wee love it!!!!
    Wee love THE blankit (even if you are not on it…)
    An mee iss sendin BEEG POTP to Joanie!!! BellaSita iss sendin whilte lite of healin. An wee purray to Sky Cat to give Joanie energy to eat an an appytie two!
    Glad THE Open House went well (wee nevurr had ANY doubt!!)
    *****nose kissess**** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita Mum

  14. Eddy is glad that you were able to avoid the girls and other invaders, Rosie. She avoids every human except this here mom of hers. Even if the company was unwelcome, Rosie, that blanket your mom’s niece gifted her is beautiful! How thoughtful and sweet.

    Many, many purrs, woofs, prayers, and well wishes to Joanie!

  15. You’re all so precious, including your humans. And there’s only so much room on one blanket, so be sure your lovely portrait will be on the next one. 😀 I will definitely pray for Joanie. Love to you all!

  16. Santa Knight looks really cool. I’ll bet you are happy that party is over. We’re all sending purrs and prayers to sweet Joanie.

  17. We are sending healing purrs to Joanie and we have our paws crossed that she will start eating soon. Does she like cream cheese?

  18. Charlee: “That looks like quite the party! I would also have been on high alert for the whole thing, Rosie.”
    Chaplin: “And by ‘high alert’ you mean … ?”
    Charlee: “Hiding under the sofa.”
    Oona: “Oona and the other kitties send lots of purrs for Joanie to feel better and start eating more.”
    Lulu: “And we dogs send lots of tail wags!”

  19. Aw, that blanket is a wonderful gift. I’m sure your mom loves it. We send purrs to Joanie. I wonder if she has a tooth problem? We hope she starts eating soon.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I was thinking that it could be that too, but I tried Pepcid and that seems to be helping- knock on wood, 3 times. XO

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