
Happy Monday everyone! We are supposed to get a foot of snow today, but I won’t complain when so many areas got 3 feet last week. Today is fun and games day and today’s idea is more for you than for your kitty.

My Sammy is a Cat Scout so he has lots of photos from his activities. I got him a scrapbook for Christmas to keep all the cards he gets from his Scout friends. I also helped him make some pages with his photos:023024Most kitties enjoy walking all over papers, but he just relaxed and watched. Snowball also snoopervised. I have never gotten into scrapbooking because I didn’t want to buy all sorts of supplies, but I got his book on sale at A.C. Moore and I used a coupon for some stickers. We already had some scrapbook paper and the scissors that make scalloped edges from when my niece lived here so it was a cheap project.

Don’t forget to comment every day for more chances to win a catnip pad, toys and a dishtowel for your Mom ( or Dad). 008


  1. Sammy, what fun that you have a scrapbook to save all your Cat Scouts stuff, cool! Hope you don’t get TOO much snow! Great giveaway too!

  2. It sounds like a good time for indoor activities to me! Although we’d probably be all over the paper if that were going on here, MOL!

    1. Sammy, you and your Mom should make a scrapbook too- I bet you would need lots of scrapbooks for all your adventures.

  3. You’re gettin’ more snow too, huh? Someone said we should expect another 50cm tonight. Don’t know WHERE the peep is gonna put it all. MO– USES!


  4. We live in the same metro-area as The Island Cats, and we are digging out today. I made it to the office, but first thing this morning, I checked on Patty and Sweetie outside. Patty jumped around in the snow, like the boy he is. Sweetie ate some kibble then rushed back inside the Cat Hotel. The snow is so deep, the hubby and I made paths so the cats can walk around a bit.

    1. That was nice of you to make them some paths, I am glad they have a safe spot to keep warm. I pity all the ferals out there in this.

  5. I bought a cute photo album to put photos in to remember Jewel. Your post reminded me that I need to order some photos of her so I can start putting her book together!

  6. Wow, that is very exciting Sammy, that you have your very own scrapbook. And what a good boy to not mess up those papers.

  7. Dat duz sound like a good idea, but ow mommy not be so good at cwaftin’. So hers just made a Cat Scout folder on da puter. MOL Meez gotta make her member to put it in dat little extwa hawd dwive so weez not lose it again. We lost a whole bunches of me Cat Socout stuffs when da puter cwashed at Christmas, so we wuldn’t want dat to happen again. MOL

    And we of course wanna enter fur dat pawsum nip mat. And we fawt yous wuz bootyful miss Phoebe long afur yous stawted givin’ stuffs away. Just sayin’. MOL

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. Phoebe says thank you and you get an extra entry. That is too bad that you lost so many photos with the computer crash. I am sure your Mom could scrapbook, if I can do something, anyone can πŸ™‚

  8. Mee-you Phoebe!! *slapss paw to forehead* mee not even commint on thee give-away…Thee toyss look grate an LadyMum wood adore thee towel…so thiss iss our commint; pleese count us inn, ok???
    Happy scrappybookin!
    Luv an *nosebumpss* Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum xxxxx

    1. You are automatically entered when you comment and you get an extra when Phoebe gets a compliment πŸ™‚

  9. Scrapbooking is a very good idea! Your Mama is very creative πŸ™‚ And Sammy is very disciplined! We would be all over those papers:)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  10. Amazing;y well behaved. My cats would have shredded all the scrapbook stuff inside 3 minutes. πŸ™‚ (Oh we got a foot of snow today)

    1. You got more than us, we got about 10 inches, but it is still snowing. Thanks for visiting us and you are entered in the giveaway.

  11. The scrapbook is a terrific idea!! I really must get the Staff to help me go to Cat Scouts more!!! We’ve had snow here today, but it was only about an inch! hardly worth mentioning, but because it’s so rare here, it was mentioned alot!!! MOL

    1. I think your secretary should make you a scrapbook too. An inch, wow, we are closer to a foot.

    1. I am lazy, but this is pretty easy. The weather must have been yucky for her to give up her iced coffee.

  12. We have only gotten 2″ of snow so far this year in 2 snowfalls, and we are happy with that. It could be worse. We have gotten so MUCH rain this Winter at just barely above freezing. Just a few degrees of temperatures difference and we would have had 3′ of snow instead of 5″ of rain in January.

  13. We don’t have any snow in our neck of the woods and we’re happy about that! Our mommy tries to play with paper and we always help just like we do with beady goodies!

  14. Mom has been telling Mau that she would make him a Cat Scout scrapbook but so far nothing has materialized. She also said she would make us a scrapbook of our Christmas Cards, but nothing has come of that yet either. Tell Phoebe how super beautiful she is. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  15. Those do sound like perfect activities on a cold and snowy day (we got 14 inches here today, too … icky). We love the idea of scrapbooking those Christmas cards!

  16. guys…we getted sew much snow heer we canna even due any ice fishin…course we due knot haza pond…. but still……β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. Yes, she is almost 13 years old and never has had a Valentine. This is our first Valentine blogging. You mean the world to Phoebe too.

      1. Wow that iss a long time an no Valentine card Phoebe an Lady Ellen…..
        Mee iss here to bee Phoebe’ss Purrince then. Mee not know what iss propurr butt mee doess know to bee poe-lite to Phoebe an bee a gentulkat an take care of her at thee pawty an bring her home at thee rite time!
        Mee iss one happy kityboy πŸ™‚
        **nose kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

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