Lola Diary of a Rescued Cat

Hi everyone! Today I have a review of Lola Diary of a Rescued CatΒ by Lola and Dawn White. Many of you have probably read it and follow Lola’s blog, but just in case someone doesn’t know about Lola I want to spread the word.

002 I was thrilled to get this for Christmas. Not surprised though, I requested it from my husband.

Lola tells her story of being abandoned in a dumpster as a kitten to the good life she lives now. It is told in an easy to read diary format. I don’t like to give out too many details, but if you haven’t read the book, you should.

I love that we hear Lola’s fears of what is happening to her and I hope that it makes people realize how scared a cat is to be tossed out. I also love how Lola was slowly introduced to Lexy which is so important for a happy household. So many people think they can just bring in a new pet with no introductions and then wonder why there are issues.

There are several other rescue stories at the end of the book, 26 to be exact. You will definitely get your money’s worth. You can get an autographed copy through her blog- click here . You can also find a copy on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.



  1. Lola’s story will resonate with a lot of other kitties who were throw-aways and who were lucky enough to be rescued. What a nice present to get for Christmas – a copy of the book! We follow the blog for sure and love it.

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I know most of my cats know how it feels to be thrown away, but now they know what it is to be loved. XO

  2. I’ve been waiting for this book to show up at the library, since I cannot buy every single good cat story out there, or I could not pay for cat food anymore! Thanks for the recommendation; I will keep up my efforts to ‘rent’ this one as soon as I can.

    1. I do the same thing, but this one wasn’t at any library in our area so I had to get it- it was worth it.

  3. guys….we reeded bout Lola …& Lexy two… N loved thiz book…we reeded it ta R mom everee day for bout a week ~~~~ πŸ™‚ de rezcue storeez were all total lee kewl az well !! β™₯β™₯β™₯

    heerz two a bicolor goat fish kinda week oh end β™₯β™₯β™₯

  4. There are so many great books out there that our blogging friends have written! Mom barely has time to read blogs so doesn’t read books much. Every tine she sees a review, she thinks she needs to get her priorities better arranged!

    1. Your Meowmy was very lucky to win the book and a bag. I love kitty bags, I have a bit of an addiction to them. Some women collect shoes, I collect cat bags- MOL!

  5. This sounds like a great book! Rescue kitties are the best. πŸ™‚ Dawn White is a great person too. I had the pleasure of meeting her in person at BlogPaws last year!

    1. That is great that you got to meet her at BlogPaws. I hope to go in 2017 so I can meet everyone.

  6. How did we not see this till now? Oh my stars, we are so sorry. (We don’t always get email notifications of yor posts.) I’m so glad you like my book! It means a lot when friends like it. Thank you so much for posting a review. You guys are the best!

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