Kentucky Derby Selfies

Hi everyone! For selfies today we are showing off our hats from The Kentucky Derby.



Gremmie snuck into the winner’s circle


Who do you think looked best?

I am a day late for Sabi Saturday, but here is my entry. (Sabi Saturday is a hop where you show something old, repurposed or upcycled. I wish more bloggers would join this fun hop.)

I was close to my Great Aunt. When she passed away in 1988, she left me her photo collection and this war ration book from WWII was in there too.

We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.

And don’t forget to comment on yesterday’s post to enter our Star Wars Giveaway.





  1. We like Joanie’s hat … it’s so fancy!

    That’s neat that your great aunt left you such amazing items. How wonderful that you had such a special relationship with her.

    1. Joanie thanks you. I was blessed to be close to my aunt. I am close to my niece now and her little girls.

  2. Great Derby hats…..of course our favorite is Prancie’s new one (!!)…..but everyone looks festive for the occasion. The ration book is very cool – never seen one before.

    Hugs and Happy Sunday, Pam and Teddy

  3. They are all neat selfie pictures this Sunday, but I think Sammy gets our vote. Have a great week ,and heres hoping we never need ration books again!

  4. They are all adorable! I like all the hats but I’m leaning a little towards Sammy’s because I really like the colour purple πŸ™‚

  5. Goodness, I hope Purr doesn’t see this – she LOVES dressing up and no one thought to make her a hat.

  6. Aww, kitties all decked out for the Ky Derby, which by the way was quite different with the DQing of Maximum Security.

  7. I adore hats! These are lovely. On a rather ironic note, my Great Aunt Hazel was a lovely lady who always dressed like she was going to the derby and left me some hats after her passing. πŸ™‚ Be well! And thank you for the uplifting news about sweet Sammy. It means a lot.

  8. They all look good in their hats, but Joanie looks very glamorous in hers.
    I think food rationing ended in 1954 in the UK. My mum always kept the ration book on the mantelpiece behind the clock. Even though I was very young, you have brought back memories of me seeing it there.
    When sweets came off ration my dad bought me the biggest lollipop. It was almost as big as my face. I think there is a photo of me with it amongst my mother’s photos.

    1. Joanie thanks you πŸ™‚ I sure hope sweets never get rationed. That was sweet of your Dad. XO

  9. Well, we think Joanie chapeaux is the best!
    What a strange Derby it was. Hate to see horses win/lose under those circumstances.
    Happy Sunday!
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

  10. Liked all Kentucky Derby hats but my favorite has to be Joanie in her hat. Love the colors of her hat and her look would be something like Daisy Mae’s look. LoL. Also love your Sabi Saturday Saturday. WOW a WWII ration book . Thanks for sharing.

  11. Mom bought a few ration books and added them to her WWII collections.

  12. Lovely hats for the Kentucky Derby. You are all so cute.

    Have a purrfect Sunday Selfie. My best to your peeps. β™₯

  13. Sammy I think Prancie edges you with her hat. Sorry. Dad has something a little different that was for gas. It was his grand dads. So interesting to see things from that era

    1. Joanie is miffed, she thinks she looks best. πŸ™‚ Prancie thanks you. Your Dad should join the Sabi hop.

  14. We couldn’t possibly pick one to be best, they are all beautiful. That was quite the surprise ending to the big derby.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. All of your kitties (and Gremmie) are special and there’s no way i can pick a favorite. How special it is to have some of your aunt’s things.

  16. Hard to choose, but I would say Joanie’s hat. Gremmie is looking pretty happy to be in the winner’s circle. Those rationing books are interesting, my Mom had one in an album that we found.

    1. Joanie thanks you. That is cool that you found one in your mon’s things. XO

  17. You all look so cute in your hats. That is cool what your great aunt left to you. Have a great week. Hugs and nose kisses

  18. Sorry, Joanie…while your hat is very fancy, I think that Prancie’s girlie fedora-looking chapeau is adorable! Weird Derby, wasn’t it?

  19. Ellen, These are just adorable! You always get the best pictures of your kitties and I don’t know why they put up with it. Don’t they know they don’t suppose to?

  20. You all look stunning in your hats! Gremmie sure does look the part. Is he destined to be a jockey? I am incredibly intrigued by your Great Aunt’s WWII ration book. That must have been such a difficult time in history, yet it also taught us so much.

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