Kangaroo Hopping

Saturdays are for hopping and nothing hops better than a kangaroo. I was thrilled to get a package in the mail from Australia. Most of you probably know Fozziemum , but if you don’t then please check out her link. She lives in the Outback with lots of pets and is an incredible photographer. She takes amazing photos of nature and my favorites are of the kangaroos. Words can’t express how happy getting these 12 cards in the mail have made me. I doubt I am going to send any of them, I am definitely framing some of them, if not all.


These are my entry for The Lazy Pit Bull’s #52 Snapshots of Life, the theme this week is “framed” and these deserve to be framed. Thank you Fozziemum.

52 Snapshots of Life

And for Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop, Joanie and Sammy want to show off the beautiful birthday cards they got from their friends

Birthdaycardjands Pipo and Minko

and birthdaycard2jandsLadybird

Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes.

We are also hopping with Feeling Beachie and this week’s co-host is UMA KAYLA from BOOK LOVER IN FL She came up with the last two statements.


Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. Did you _____?
  2. ____ is always ____
  3. The TV show, __________, is my all time favorite because _____
  4. I want to discover _________

My Answers:

  3. The TV show, I LOVE LUCY, is my all time favorite because IT IS THE BEST SHOW EVER!

I know this is a long post, but one more thing. Please pray for Carmine he hasn’t been eating much lately and his Mom is very worried. Purrs and prayers for moohttp://fureverywhere.blogspot.com/

Phoebe will see you tomorrow and Monday we start our black cat themed giveaway, then we have one for breast cancer awareness and Halloween- lots of giveaways.


  1. Did I miss a birthday! Oh No! Without Nellie reminding me, I have been remiss. Happy Birthday to Joanie and Sammy!
    Cuddles and Skritches
    NM (Nellie’s Mom)

  2. How fun to get those ‘roo-roo cards! Did they bounce?? MOL!

    And we like snuggling, too!

    Un-fur-tuna-tly we do not care much fur Halloween…sigh…in fact it is the least fun time of the year fur meowmy…sorry but it just is…but we love all the other fun things about fall:))

    1. I am sorry your Mommy doesn’t like this time of year. Make sure you give her lots of snuggles. The cards don’t bounce, but they are beautiful πŸ™‚

  3. Oh how lovely to see my cards there at your home with a pretty frame πŸ™‚ such a lovely compliment indeed πŸ™‚ and so glad they eventually hopped over to you..we missed Joanie and Sammy’s birthday…we have no idea why your bloggie is not coming up in our reader…so a very belated Birthday sweeties…WP is a booger mostly..and we will go send Carmine some loves and purrs too πŸ™‚ Loves and thankyou again for the lovely compliments sweeties πŸ™‚ Fozziemum xxxx

    1. Sorry my blog hasn’t been showing up, that happened to someone else and then they all showed up at once. Thank you again for the cards- they are so beautiful πŸ™‚ XO and love to you.

        1. I love your latest shots too- you should sell some of those- I would buy them. XO I hope you feel better soon.

  4. Fozziemum is an amazing photographer and we too love the kangaroos the best….although Australia is a beautiful country so the landscapes are also amazing. Enjoy the cards! Nice birthday cards for Joanie and Sammy AND we are sending POTP to Carmine too.

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I love all her photos too. If I lived near her, I would hire her to photograph my kitties.

  5. ConCats on winnin’ da cawrds. We fawt they was gawjus too. Weez not celebwate halloween so weez not duin’ any decowatin’. weez holdin’ out fur Fanksgivin’ and Christmas. MOL Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. Aunty Bev iss so so talented isn’t shee Lady Ellen????
    If you efurr want to send us a card we keep thee blogging peeps cards furever πŸ˜‰
    Mew mew mew…
    **nose kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. Sixpence and Tigger here: Sorry we missed your birthdays, too — but with mum not feeling good …….

    Mum says that when she travels, she often buys postcards of things she doesn’t think she will get a good picksur of, and then frames it!!!

    ttfn and toodle pip

    Sixpence and Tigger (and, of course, Cookie)

    1. Thanks for visiting. I am sorry you are all having health problems. Good idea to buy postcards to frame.

  8. OMC did I miss a birthday… *slaps head* … Pawkisses for a Happy belated birthday, Joanie and Sammy. Hope you had a fabulous day. The cards are beautiful, so are the framed Roos. Extra Pawkisses for the occasion πŸ™‚ <3 <3

  9. You’re so lucky to have a friend in Australia who sends you pictures of kangaroos. I’d love to see a live one some day. I think they’re the coolest animals. See ya later!

    1. Thank you- they are cool, I would love to see one too. You should check out Fozziemums blog, she has new photos today. πŸ™‚

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