It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?


Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

Friday is modeling with the library books I am currently reading.

  1. Baggage: Tales from a Fully Packed Life by Alan Cumming is the author’s second memoir. I enjoyed the first and although I am only a few chapters into this one, I like it.
  2. Bomb Shelter: Love, Time and Other Explosives by Mary Laura Philpott is a memoir composed of several essays. It does center around something that happens to her son that changes her world.
  3. Dillie the Deer: A True Story of Love, Healing and Family by Melanie Butera came out in 2014 and I have no idea why it took me so long to read it. It is a very sweet story, and I am only a few chapters in, but it didn’t make me cry which is always a plus.

Penny may be posting tomorrow, if not, Rosie has been taking notes on the family gossip.



  1. I think all are interesting stories. Currently I am reading a short story book ” Love of Rain” by Pritilata Nandi.

  2. We, too, often cry over books! But these days, mama cries almost always over beauty. Starved for normality, I say. And mama is on the next to last Poirot book. Interesting title, the explosive one….

  3. Friday is doing a great job showcasing your current reads. A huge Aw.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo ♥

  4. Lookin beeuteeful Friday! An you are a ‘bookie cat’ like ERin THE Literary Cat…
    Aunty Ellen you reed innspirational bookss…..
    BellaSita Sistur reedss to escape her body an itss’ pain….
    Shee/wee have been reedin a furry scarey an seereuss book called “Mercury Striking” by Miss Rebecca Zanetti. THE story iss about a Vye-russ that comes to earth via Meteorite an deccymatess population of THE werld. THE Survivorss are eether inn gangss or with safe peeple in guarded placess or beecoem Ripperss (seereall killers from brain damage from Vye-russ).
    THE story centerss on Mistur Jax Mercury THE leader of Vanguard community an CDC scientist Miss Lynne Harmony who survivess ‘Scorpius; an has a Blue Heart an mite have a cure or at leest a way to control Vyeruss when they meet an form an alliance.
    It iss compellin an inntense. Allso a love story.
    How-effur this book iss allso raw an gritty an furry ummm tuff at timess beecause alot of H-Bee-O werdss….BAD oness!
    It iss Apocalyptick; not an easy reed. Still a very compellin story an made us think how fragile our livessREELLY are!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((huggiess)) BellaSita Sistur

    1. That sounds like a book my hubby would love. He is big on sci-fi. He likes post-apocalyptic stuff too- not me though. 🙂 I will stick to memoirs and self-help. XO

  5. Charlee: “Our Dada is reading something called ‘American Elsewhere’ that he says is like H.P. Lovecraft meets Pleasantville.”
    Lulu: “Pleasantville? Sounds like a nice place to live.”
    Charlee: “Yeah in this case not so much, apparently …”

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