Hopping with Phoebe

Hi everyone! I know Saturday is not usually my day, but Mom says she is under the weather so she is letting me post. I don’t understand though because she is sitting on the couch , she is not under anything except a blanket.

003Grammie was with us New Year’s Eve. I love her so very much. Mom and Dad were only gone for 2 hours, but Grammie gave us treats twice.

This week we only have one hop and a parade. For Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop I used ribbet to add some text to my giveaway photo.Phoebe giveaway

And I am joining Rascal and Rocco’s Pet Parade

The 2016 New Year celebration for animals and all pets. Come join the fun with cats, dogs, rabbits.. all your favorites


  1. Grandma’s are wonderful, aren’t they!! I don’t see my granmama as much as I would like. LadyBird used to see her all the time. Mom said she might start taking me to granmama’s house. Hmmm – we’ll see. anyway, Happy New Year, Phoebe! I hope your mom feels better soon. Pawkisses for Penny! Love, Toby

    1. I wish you could see your Grandmama more often, maybe she will come to visit you so you don’t have to travel. Penny sends you pawkisses back Toby and lots of love.

    1. My Mom is fine,she just has a cold. My Grammie loves kitties, she will be your Grammie too if you want.

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Glad you got to spend some time with Grammie…….sorry to hear your Mom is “under a blanket” and not feeling well but I’m sending a special SAMMY HUG for her!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Thank you, she just has a cold- humans are such babies. I love my Grammie so very much. XO

    1. Happy and Healthy 2016 to all of you too! Mom just has a cold so she will be fine πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you for saying I am looking gorgeous- I know I am, but it is nice to hear πŸ™‚ I am not getting near Mom, I don;t want to catch anything- MOL!

  3. Sorry to hear mom isn’t feeling well. I’ll start purring for her right away cuz we all know purrs from a kitty are magical. Happy New Year dear pals.

    1. Thank you for the purrs for Mom, she just has a cold. Happy an healthy 2016 to you and your family.

  4. Hope Mom Ellen is feeling better super fast. That is an amazing cat tree. Hope to see you for selfies tomorrow. May 2016 bring you the good things you deserve. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  5. Well bootyful weez glad yous gwammaw gave y’all extwa tweats. Dat’s always a good fing. πŸ™‚ Sorry to hear awnty Ellen isn’t feelin’ good. Weez sendin’ lots of purrayers. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. Your Grammie is very generous with treats! We can understand why you love her so very much. We hope your Mama feels better quickly. Some times, it is nice to slow down and take a day under the blanket after all the crazy of Christmas πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. I think all the staying up til 2 am wrapping gifts, etc. finally caught up with her- it was really messing with our bedtimes too. XOXOXO

  7. Mee was *kissin* yur foto at midnite Purrincess Phoebe!
    Wee send sum POTP fur Lady Ellen; pleeze feel better soon….
    LadyMum iss under a blankit all so. Her Arfuritis iss reelly bad today πŸ™
    An mee luvss yur foto with thee Grump Kat books…..so this iss mee 3rd commint…… mew mew mew…..
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~ yur Purrince, Siddhartha Henry~~~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Good luck in the giveaway- I know you want to win for Uncle Sammy. I am sorry your Mum is under a blanket too. Humans can be such babies- my MOm just has a cold. XXOOOO Paw kisses and nose kisses

  8. You are so lucky, Phoebe…I wonder how much treats your Grammie would have give you, when your mom was away a couple of hours more…MOL πŸ˜€ Anyway..you look great, we biggified the picture to see your expression πŸ˜‰ Healing Pawkisses to your mom and one extra for you πŸ™‚ <3

  9. Mee sendss more POTP to Lady Ellen…..poor Hu’man with a Cold…they can bee nastee!
    LadyMum’ss hand an arm are hertin…thee Arfuritis has flared up badlee an shee can barelee type. Shee sayss shee feelss like sleepin butt mee iss helpin her to stay awake….wee have to get cott up!!! Mee iss worried tho’. Her hands do not bother her this bad so this iss sumfin new…..
    Sendin you **paw kissesss** Purrincess Phoebe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Siddhartha Henry yur Purr-amedic Purrince =^,.^=

    1. My sweet purrince, you need to let your Mum rest. You don’t need to get caught up,other bloggers understand. XOXOXOX Paw kisses and nose kisses my sweet.

  10. whoa! I love that tree that goes to the ceiling. I would have loved one of those when I was younger. Our ceiling is 16 ft from the floor. My peeps said it would be impossible.

    1. I bet you could get one custom made that goes that high- tell TW if she really loves you to get you one.

  11. Yur rite Purrincess Phoebe….mee let LadyMum nap an rest an shee iss startin to feel better….
    At leest shee can type without tears funning down her cheeks πŸ˜‰
    Her shoulder iss still berry sore….mee finkss shee pulled a mussel, so mee not naggin her to find mee toyss….shee sayss mee beein berry grown up….
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~tummy tickulsss~~ Siddhartha Henry ~~

    1. I am glad you are such a sweet kitty boy. I hope your MUm feels better soon. It sounds like she is in a lot of pain. Paw kisses and nose kisses my love. XO

  12. Mee-you mee sweet buttercup you are so luvley to care about LadyMum!
    Her hands are much better (all tho shee iss rubbin her knuckles a lot when shee finks mee not lookin) πŸ˜‰
    Her knees an back are a dull roar that shee can handull ok.
    Tat left shoulder iss still hertin her sumfing pawfull. Shee sayss shee can feel thee bone spurss inn her shoulder….EEEWWWW…….
    An shee says shee will get all mee commintss dun tonite an shee has!!!
    All thee POTP has helped her!
    ***paw kissesss*** an all mee <3 LUV <3
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Your poor Mum has so many pains, that must be awful. Good thing she has you to distract her XOXOXOXOX

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