Happy Saturday Everyone! Time to get hopping, first off , I am thrilled to be co-hosting the Followย Friday Fill-Ins with Feeling Beachie ( I am always a day late)- Please join us:
The statements are:
- The worst ____________ is _______________
- I would rather____________________ย than _____________
- I can ________ but I wish I could ________
- The song ________________ evokes memories of _______________

My answers:
2. I would rather READ MEMOIRS than READ FICTION
3. I can CROCHET but I wish I could KNIT
4. The song STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN evokes memories of HIGH SCHOOL DANCES ( yuck)
For Athena’s Caturday Art, I have more of a craft, but I am quite proud of these and hope to use them in NYC soon:
The Lazy Pit Bull’s theme this week is “travel” and I always can spot a cat anywhere I go. I took this photo in NYC in October of 2012, I felt very bad for this kitty: His owner was using him to get money. I couldn’t believe how he just sat there on a busy street.
Today is the last day to enter Phoebe’s giveaway: She will announce the winner tomorrow.
[…] me through the blog hop Follow Friday Four Fill In Fun. Hilary at Feeling Beachie and her co-host Ellen at 15 and Meowing have come up with the […]
Thankd for joining in ๐
Neato “fill-ins”……..that’s a fun exercise. I feel sorry for that poor little street kitty too – people use everyone’s love of animals to help themselves and I always hope that the animals are well fed with some of that money……poor little guy. Love the “taxi gloves” ! Clever – let’s hope they work – NYC taxi drivers are all just a little blind when it comes to being waved down but those electric yellow gloves might work!!!
Hugs, Sammy and Mom
I used the taxi gloves twince and they worked- ask Michelle, she saw one of the times ๐
Poor kitty. I hope he stays safe. The gloves are a great idea.
I always wonder what happened to that kitty ๐ THe gloves worked great.
Well, I can’t knit but I can lay on knitted things!
That is even better ๐
PHoebe we can see you’re all ready for St Patty’s day!
I sure am ๐
Happy to see you here at Fill In! I like it! I usually get over to it on Saturdays, but sometimes Fridays. It is one of the first memes I did when I started blogging, four years ago.
Stairway to Heaven…a favourite of mine. Bill is a guitarist, so he plays all of the classics.
Have a great weekend!
That is cool that your hubby can play that song on guitar.
Mum laughed at your gloves ! We loved to read your “fill-in” ! Purrs
The glvoes worked great ๐ Glad you liked the fill-ins. ๐
Luv da gloves and it’s always gweat to learn mowe ’bout ow furiends. And now weez gunna show just how uncwafty we awe. We fawt knittin’ and cwochetin’ wuz da same fing.? Adowable St. Pat’s foto. We posted da west of yous package today. Fank yous so much. We even know which mat is ours. MOL
Luv ya’
Dezi and Lexi
I can’t wait to read your post ๐ That is funny about knit and crochet, one uses a hook and the other 2 pointy needles.
-The worst people we know are (is) needing much love.
-I would rather be blogging kitty stuff than cleaning kitty barf.MOL!
-I can talk, but I wish I could communicate better:)
-The song (Music – Opera) ‘The Khalif of Baghdad, reminds me of my dear late Mother-(she sang in it).
That poor kitty what is his/her person thinking…
I still think you look so good with your green kicker, Phoebe!
Thanks for your answers, you should join the link up too. That must have been amazing to hear your Mother sing Opera. Phoebe thanks you.
WOW! You look like you are ready for St. Patty’s Day Phoebe!
I sure am ๐
**sighss** Purrince Phoebe you look pawtastick in Green….totalllee awwwwsum….mee sweet gurl <3
Wee wantss to enter thee contest butt mee should not as mee reeceeved all yur luvley giftiess…
So can mee enter an if mee winss can the prize to to Sammy, One Spoiled Kat mee Unccle???
That kittie on thee street lookss allott like mee Brofur Tyerrone…..poor Kittie beein put out to werk like that ๐
***paw kissess*** mee sweet gurl Siddhartha Henry xxx
I am glad you like ho I look in green my Sweet Purrince. I am sorry you didn’t win, but that was nice to offer your prize to youe Uncle if you did win. Mom wonders what happened to that kitty, that photo was taken in October 2012. Love you my sweet purrince XO.
Yur so beeuteefull Purriness Phoebe <3
Iss ok mee did not win alltho it wood have been nice to give it to Unccle Sammy….
As fur thee street kitty mee wunderss too Phoebe….sum kittiess sure have ruff livess don't they? Not like us….
***paw kissess***
Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxx
Thank you my sweet purrince, you always know what to say to make me feel like a purrincess. I wish every kitty was a lucky as we are. Love, Phoebes XOXOX
That’s sad…I sure hope that kitty is okay ๐
I hope so too.
We bet those gloves would really work! MOL!
They did work! ๐ They should sell something like that or a sign to hold up.
TW used to knit and crochet but all she could make were flat things like bed throws.
That is imppressive, I can’t do that stuff beecause my rows end up uneven.
That poor little kitty. Hope it’s OK.
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
I know, that was sad.
I can crochet but I can’t knit either. My mom is always trying to teach me but…
Great fill-ins. I agree death of human loved ones and furry ones isn’t fun at all.
I wish I could knit, crochet, sew etc…can’t do any of them.
I love Stairway to Heaven and never attend any school dances.
(If you visit my Fill-In post is below the SHS post today.)
Thank you ๐ I will check your fill-ins out.
I wish I could both crochet and knit.
Have a great week!
Hope you have a great week too ๐
Mee deerest Purrincess Phoebe yur mee sweet gurl an mee wishess onlee thee best fur you!
Yur parcel iss ready to mail an wee will go to Post Office tomorrow to mail it to you.
An all wee can do fur other kittiess iss purray fur them to find good homess like wee have….
~~head rubss~~ an *paw kissess* Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx
We are very lucky- I wish all kitties were lucky. Tell your Mum not to take a special trip to the post office, we are patient ๐
Yur werth a speshell trip mee Purrincess!! Aunty Sheila wantss to take Ladymum to do errandss an bankin…so it iss all ready planned.
It iss a wee parcel but iss filled with so much <3 LUV <3
**paw kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxxx
๐ You are such a sweet Purrince.
Parcel iss on itss way sweet Purrincess Phoebe….
Luv yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry <3
You are such a sweet purrince and I am your purrincess XO Phoebes
Thanks for linking up with #52Snapshots! I, too, hope that everything worked out for that sweet kitty in NYC. Reminds me of the cats in Key West, so many used by panhandlers to get money. :/
I have always wanted to go to Key West to see Hemingway’s cats, but didn’t realize that happened with pan handlers.