Happy Halloween!

Hi everyone! We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop . I am thankful that my cats are good sports( mostly) about dressing for Halloween. Also thankful my hubby helped me with these.Here are their costumes for this year- they are all tv shows. There are hints to help you guess, the years the show was on are under the photos. Whoever guesses the most will win a prize. If more than one guesses correctly, I will have a drawing of the winners. You have until Friday 9PM (EST) to make your guesses. Winner will be announced on Saturday.


1. (2010-2015)

Joanie and Gremmie

2. ( 1949-1957)


3. (2013-present) Kid show


4. ( 2009-2015)


5. (2007-2019)


6. (1996-2003)-her cat’s name is Salem


7. ( 1998-2007)


8. (2014-present)


9. (new show, just started this year)

The Potato Heads

10. (1965-1971)

Polar Bear

11. ( new show that started this year)


12. ( 2005-present)  Doesn’t he look dreamy?


13. (2000-2005) Chef

Happy Halloween!

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. I never read ____________________.

2. I mainly read ______________.

3. The beginning of a new month _________.

4._________ makes me feel silly.



  1. So cute! Jezebel would slit my wrist if I tried dressing her. Heh… She’s a sweetie, though, grooming herself at my side and enjoying a chin scritch as I type. Happy Halloween!

    1. I am glad my cats are cooperative- although, I needed my hubby to hold some of them still 🙂 Happy Halloween! XO

  2. You’re all looking so cute in your outfits and as we don’t know any of your series, Granny and I had to search for the series, just because this curiosity alsmost killed me…MOL…Okay, this is what we found: 1. Prancie is one of the housekeepers at Downton Abbey. 2. The Lone Ranger with Joanie and Gremmie. That one we knew, the show, not if this is it 😀 3. Qubo 5. KaTwo is Sabrina the teenage witch . Sammy is the King of Queens, this one we have also seen <3 Drake looks like Superman. Trouble what we do in the shadows. Green Acres and the Patato Heads. Polar Bear in the Unicorn. Dr. Who and the dreamy Brody. I would go for Chef and Jinx. These are the only ones that we could find, but we loved to scroll down to some memorie lanes and you are all some great actors, kitties😸Pawkisses for a Spooky Helloween to all of you👻🐾😽🎃

    1. Thank you 🙂 I can’t tell you if you are correct until the contest is over but thanks for playing 🙂 Happy Halloween! XO

  3. Well, we’ll just say Great Job and each and every one should receive the EMMY for great costume award design! Not being TV watchers ‘cept for news, couldn’t even begin to guess …
    PS the “prop man” did a good job too!

  4. OH WOW! This is an amazing costume contest – wish we had an idea WHO represents WHAT but we’re only somewhat sure of one – Prancie as a Downton Abbey maid???? Fabulous costumes – I bet it took like HOURS to get everyone to cooperate and have their photo taken. HAHA

    Love, Teddy and Mom

  5. I don’t watch TV either- especially the news…but…I did recognize some of the costumes anyway by good guesswork and recall. Everyone looks wonderful and I agree with Ann..the prop man did a great job adding to the show of shows. XX

  6. They all did great job modeling in costumes! I have no idea what TV shows these costumes are for but I think Drake looks particularly adorable in red 🙂
    Happy Halloween!

  7. I know the Lone Ranger and Tonto with Gremmie and Joanie… the only one I am sure of! That was a lot of work AND fun! Thanks for the smile and giggles this morning. Your Crew looks adorable! Happy Halloween… BOO!

  8. Ellen,

    It looks like your kitties just mildly put up with the photo session and would rather do without the costumes altogether but know there’s a reward waiting for them in the form of treats, no doubt. Am I right? lol Have a spooktacular Halloween and thanks for the fill-ins!

  9. I’m terrible at these kinds of things. Good luck to those who try.

    I’m all ready for the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  10. You guys are so cute!
    1. Downton Abbey
    2. Lone Ranger
    6. SAbrina.
    7. King of Queens
    8. Shazam
    10. Green Acres
    12. GREY’S ANATOMY! We’ve been watching with Mommy since forever!

    We didn’t do too well!

    1. Thank you 🙂 I can’t tell you if you are correct until the contest is over but thanks for playing 🙂 XO

  11. Happy Halloween!
    1. Prancie: Downton Abbey
    2. Joanie & Greemie: The Lone Ranger
    3. Millie: The Paw Patrol
    4. Emmy: Nurse Jackie
    5. Penny: The Big Bang Theory
    6. KaTwo: Sabrina The Teenage Witch
    7. Sammy: King of Queens
    8. Drake: The Flash
    9. Trouble: Batman Beyond
    10. Mr & Mrs Potato Head: Green Acres
    11. Polar Bear: The Unicorn
    12. Brody: Grey’s Anatomy
    13. Jinx: Andromeda

    1. Thank you 🙂 I can’t tell you if you are correct until the contest is over but thanks for playing 🙂 Happy Halloween! XO

  12. We saw Downtown Abby, The Lone Ranger, The Flash and Batman. Even with only guessing a few we love ALL the costumes and what a great idea for the family. We love your creativity and how you help all your kitties live the best lives they can. You and hubby are truly special people and we send our purrs for you all to have a wonderful day

    1. Thank you 🙂 I can’t tell you if you are correct until the contest is over but thanks for playing 🙂 And thank you for the compliment- you are truly special too. Happy Halloween! XO

  13. Happy Halloween! A wonderful collection of costumes though I cannot attempt to try to guess them all!

  14. We are pretty hopeless, but we did know: #2 The Lone Ranger #6 Sabrina the Teenage Witch #7 King of Queens #9 Green Acres, and #12 Grey’s Anatomy
    Fun post and great job by the cats!!

    1. Thank you 🙂 I can’t tell you if you are correct until the contest is over but thanks for playing 🙂

  15. What a lot of work you did on these great costumes! Mom could only guess a miserable 3 (our TV fare is mostly PBS):

    2 The Lone Ranger
    6 Sabrina the Teenage Witch
    7 The King of Queens

    Pretty sad, right?

    1. Thank you 🙂 I can’t tell you if you are correct until the contest is over but thanks for playing 🙂

  16. Some of these are really hard, and some Mom recognized right away. After seeing that list Eastside Cats put together, we think we’ll just enjoy how adorable everyone looks and not guess. Happy Halloween! 🎃👻XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  17. Wowy, those are exceptional costumes. You came up with a good challenge. Here are Mom and I’s guesses (we couldn’t come up with ones for all of them): 1. Hazel 2. Mr. Ed 6. Bewitched 8. The Flash 12. ER 13. Emerald Legasse cooking show

    I think you all need your own TV shows now! Purr purr pur.

  18. We’re so sorry we’re late! We hope you all had a safe and spooktacular Halloween! You are all adorable in your costumes. If you showed up at our door, we’d give you all the treats. Purrs!

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