Friendly Fill-Ins Week 337


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. A veteran I would like to thank today is ________________________.
2, I can’t go a day without ______________________________.
3. _________ is my most frequented _________.
4. This time of year, _________ is _________.
My answers:

1. A veteran I would like to thank today is my Dad, but he passed away in 2001. I am thankful to all who have served though.

2. I can’t go a day without my cats and coffee.
3. Walmart is my most frequented shopping place. It is only a mile away, so I go there for most things.
4. This time of year, time is passing too quickly. I feel like the summer drags on, but October through December are gone in the blink of an eye.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

My flashback is from November 2016. Angle Prancie posing with the turkey I made out of a light bulb.

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  1. 1. A veteran I would like to thank today is my Dad, he served in the Army National Guard.
    2.I can’t go a day without my Cat and thinking about my first love from high school (only guy I truly ever loved). Don’t ask because I don’t understand it either but those memories are something else.
    3. Amazon is my most frequented place to buy things despite all my troubles with them.
    4. This time of year, Christmas and my Birthday is celebrated(they’re both in December) and gone in no time :(.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. Please tell your dad I thank him for his service. The heart wants what the heart wants. XO

  2. We had the same answer for #1. I should have used the same answer for #2 but I didn’t think of it. How is your husband doing?

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I forgot to tell you that I was glad to know that your hubby got through his surgery and was/is doing well. Now he has to wait out the time too have kitty pickup duties, LOL!

    I remember that Lightbulb Turkey! That was a fun craft, and Prancie showed it off to us all, so well!

    1. A veteran I would like to thank today are the many that are in our nursing facility, and those in our Church congregation..
    2, I can’t go a day without coffee!!
    3. My desk area is my most frequented place to while away the hours…sometimes I think I spend far too much time on it…(the computer, of course)…
    4. This time of year, I get busy making menus and gift/card lists for the holidays.

  4. Ellen,

    A veteran I’d like to thank today is my brother-in-law, my uncles, and cousins who served. Of course, I’m grateful for all the fine men/women who served our great country. I can’t go a day without my morning coffee. I really need it to get my day started. Other than Amazon, Walmart is my most frequent place to shop and it’s made easy since they do home deliveries. I really hate going to the store and this is a huge help. This time of the year life is hectic in a good way with back to back holidays. Have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you to them all for their service.
      I order online sometimes and go pick up – especially for litter, saves a lot of lifting. XO

  5. To answer for today: (1) thanking many Veterans in my family and all who serve today, (2) ditto, Ellen, cats and coffee, the day can’t start without both, (3) my computer is my most visited place everyday, and (4) this time of year is lovely, though This Year still too HOT!

  6. Your #4 is so true! Light bulb turkey was a bright idea 🙂 Nice to see this photo of Angel Prancie♥
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. A veteran I would like to thank today is all veterans for their courage and dedication to our country.
    2, I can’t go a day without having to vacuum. Our tile attracts all kinds of stuff.
    3. Our back porch/lanai is my most frequented peaceful place.
    4. This time of year, hurricane season is coming to an end. But it doesn’t mean hurricanes can’t still come to Florida and they do!
    Thank you, Ellen! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Bright idea- MOL! 🙂 Thank you for these great answers. I should vacuum daily, but I do once a week- if that. 🙂 XO

  7. Love your fill-ins. Always do and I thank you for co-hosting the fun.

    Aw on Angel Prancie. Adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xo ♥

  8. Charlee: “Cats and coffee are a daily thing here, too! In fact Dada just finished his coffee while I sit on his lap dictating this comment!”
    Chaplin: “Our Dada’s Dada is a veteran who served in peacetime between the Korean war and the Vietnam war. This one time when they all visited a battleship in Los Angeles, they announced him as a veteran over the ship’s loudspeakers.”
    Charlee: “Dada’s Dada was kind of embarrassed about all the attention, but it’s nice to be appreciated!”

  9. Mew mew mew ‘angel’ Prancie sure was cute as a button!
    You did pawsum answerss to Fill-Innss Aunty Ellen.
    Mee wantss to du Fill-Inns…here mee goes:
    1. A veteran I would like to thank today is all of them fore savin GranPaw Henry’ss life so hee cuud meet GranMaw an have BellaSita who found mee 4+ yeerss ago!
    2, I can’t go a day without snuggellin inn BellaSita’ss lap!
    3. Salmon Pate is my most frequented fave foodabull!
    4 This time of year Autuum iss a time fore reeflection an a preelude to Chanukkah an BellaSita’s Birfday an Catmass.
    How did mee due Aunty Ellen?
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  10. Prancie was so beautiful.

    I appreciate your father’s service and i know you miss him.

    There’s a WalMart not far from us, too, and i pass it on the way to work a couple of times a week, they are convenient.

  11. We love your fill-ins. Our Mom goes to Walmart in the big city. She does a big grocery run about once a month and she can save more the cost of the gas to get there and back, and things are quite a bit cheaper there than here in the middle of nowhere. Mom is not going to help us with the fill-ins. She is not feeling great so we all had bed cuddles instead. Angel Prancie looks marvelous! Keep on being awesome! Purrs Marv

  12. Nowadays TW’s main and almost only place to shop in person is Walgreens. She even made our Christmas cards there. It’s a little less than a mile away so she can walk there. TY for the fill-ins.

  13. I forgot about that cool turkey you made. 🙂 And what a lovely angel. ~hugs~ I hope your husband continues doing great after hernia surgery! Be well, my dears.

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