Friendly Fill-Ins Week 325


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I would like to see what books are on _______________’s bookshelves. ( Thanks Melissa ).
2. I adore ________________________.
3. There is no amount of money you could pay me to _________.
4. When I failed to _________, I _________.
My answers:
1. I would like to see what books are on Nicolas Cage’s bookshelves. -Last week, Melissa ( Mudpie’s Mom) wrote she didn’t care about anyone’s closet, but bookshelves were another thing.  So thank you Melissa.
2. I adore The Great One, Typhoid Mary and all cats.
3. There is no amount of money you could pay me to part with any of my cats.
4. When I failed to find a publisher for my book about Prancie ( Prancie’s Prayer), I kept trying until I succeeded.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Last August, my Angel Sammy was enjoying a Halloween toy from a Chewy Goody Box our friend sent us.

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  1. I love how Angel Sammy was hugging that toy! So sweet!

    1. I would like to see what books are on My sons’s bookshelves.They both have degrees and good jobs, but I do believe that other than technical books, they don’t have much else…probably a Bible or two,
    2. I adore watching all the many variewry of birds that come to our feeders, all year long. (Sorry Tabbies, MOL!).
    3. There is no amount of money you could pay me to drugs for osteoporosis. Too many eviul side effects, so I told my docs no way…and now with some holistic treaments and all the work I o, my bone scans are normal. I told the doc, I told you so! LOL!. (But she still thinks I am crazy…)
    4. When I failed to keep playing my violin, due to arthritis, I just love to listen to the music available on the radio and at concerts, and I try to encourage anyone who is young and considering music lessons.

    1. Thank you. Sammy was a sweet boy. Thank you for these great answers. I didn’t realize there were bad side effects with those meds. I am glad you went the holistic route. XO

  2. As usual your fill-ins are grand and we were not one bit surprised that you wanted to know what Nic Cage has on his bookshelves! We love the photo of Angel Sammy hugging his Halloween toy. Thanks for hosting the fill-ins….it’s something we look forward to every week.

    Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)

  3. Great fill in answers. An adorable photo of Angel Sammy.
    I had a problem yesterday and again today getting the message required fields must be filled in even though they were automatically filled in. I have been getting it on several WP blogs but found if I click on log out/ change and manually fill in the details it works.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Yes, I have had trouble on other blogs too and did the same thing with the log out to comment. Thank you for trying until you got through. 🙂 XO

  4. Aw on Angel Sammy hugging his toy. I know you miss him so.

    Love your fill-ins and you always make me chuckle when you mention hottie Cage.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins. Always fun.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  5. I am happy and thankful you were able to get Prancie’s Prayer published♥
    Angel Sammy♥ Sweet photo of your Boy.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. I would like to see what books are on the Meowing Crew’s bookshelves. ( Thanks Melissa ). Lucky me, I get to see what you are reading on Mondays.
    2. I adore kittens, cats and following cat blogs with their peeps.
    3. There is no amount of money you could pay me to get on a plane.
    4. When I failed to learn to play the piano at my Mom’s request, I started equestrian instructions. Best thing ever!
    Thank you, Ellen♥

    1. Thank you. I am glad you like Prancie’s Prayer. And thank you for these great answers. I will have to take photos of my bookshelves, I actually have all my cat books in a toy box so they don’t get dusty. 🙂 I have no desire to get on a plane either. I am glad you got to take lessons in something you wanted to. XO

  6. Mee-yow wee wuud love to see Keanu Reeve’ss Book shelvess!
    Sammy sure was havin fun Aunty Ellen…. mee gotted a mew toy fore Black Cat Day an mee RELLY likess it!
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  7. Yes, Sammy is hugging his toy so tightly, it must have been a great comfort to him. He looks just like a little child. I hope the first anniversary of his passing hasn’t caused you more grief yet again. It’s always with us, and that’s why pictures like this are very important.

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