Friendly Fill-Ins Week 296


Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.


1. I get my __________ from __________________.
2.  It’s a good thing ___________________________.
3. _________ required me to muster a lot of courage.
4. My younger self would be proud to know that I now _________.
My answers:
1. I get my optimism from my mom.
2. It’s a good thing my hubby and I know how to administer sub Q fluids to cats. Over the years, we have had to give them to many cats with kidney disease so it was no problem doing it for Joanie.
3. My first time flying on a plane, I was alone-that required me to muster a lot of courage.
4. My younger self would be proud to know I found true love.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

My flashback is from February 2015, Angel Phoebe is a scarf I crocheted.

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  1. I love the photos here always so precious. Great fiil in answers too. Thank you Have a wonderful weekend and I apologize. I was sharing Bob;s story at my blog for Beth. She is in St. Louis and he is her brother in Tennessee. I had a problem with blogger messing up my text so it did not show that Beth asked me and others to share her brother’s story. Thank you for praying. Have a great weelend.

  2. It looks like Angel Phoebe is proud of that pretty scarf…its like she is saying: Look at me!’

    1. I get my stubbornness from my father…and my Dutch heritage who are known for their stubbornness n general.
    2. It’s a good thing the docs discovered the cancer I had in time so I could get the proper treatment and be free of disease, even after all the years…I always think God made me seek medical help before it was too late.
    3. Going through cancer surgeries and chemo required me to muster a lot of courage. (Especially as being a health care worker, I knew ‘Too Much’…)
    4. My younger self would be proud to know that I now still work in health care, albeit in a different capacity than when I first stated at it way back in 1973.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I am glad your cancer was discovered, and you were courageous to go through the treatments. XO

  3. Oh that red scarf suited Angel Phoebe nicely! Crocheting is a hobby my Mom used to think she could handle but never quite could. Great filling in!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. LOL, Ms. Ellen, I read your comment about flying on a plane too fast and thought you meant YOU were flying it! Silly me, I wondered why you didn’t have a flight instructor… then I reread and got it correct.
    Purrseidon, who thanks you for hosting this blog hop.

  5. Oh Ellen do I agree on the SubQ’s. Madi was not much on being held or confined. When we were told she needed SubQ’s daily we were so worried she would not let us. I don’t know why but somehow we were successful from day one. Madi seemed to go into some kind of yen mode. Not one iota of struggling. We put her on the bed looking out the window. Bryan stood behind her holding the bag of fluid while I administered the fluid. Once it started she even purred a bit. I know purrs mean lots of things but I truly think she knew we were helping her.

    Oh don’t faint, I’m doing fillins today
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Love your fill-ins and especially #4. I found that very same thing too, but didn’t think of it yesterday. I needed coffee.

    Aw on Angel Phoebe. Pretty scarf too.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all your precious kitties. ♥

  7. Living with cats has brought my courage level up; having to pill cats, clean-up some pretty gross things, and taking them to the vet’s office are some of the hardest things to do, but I do ’em!

  8. Angel Phoebe is so gorgeous with her scarf!
    Here are my fill-ns:

    1. I get my love of puns from my hilarious mother.
    2. It’s a good thing to sometimes stay in bed and read a good mystery til noon!
    3. Being a single mother required me to muster a lot of courage.
    4. My younger self would be proud to know that I now am married to a sweet, kind and wonderfully talented man

  9. Great fill ins and answers. Oh, and flashback too. TW says she could never give a cat fluids. She’s too squimish. MOL. You’d have to travel to do it.

  10. Angel Phoebe and her red scarf… red is her color♥ Ellen, optimism is a wonderful thing to have.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. I get my love of cars from my Mom and Dad.
    2. It’s a good thing to find the things that give you joy… kitties, homemade noodles, virtual fireplace if you don’t have the real thing, reading blogs, an abundance of joyful things.
    3. Getting my ears pierced in high school required me to muster a lot of courage.
    4. My younger self would be proud to know that I now still wear jeans. I was always afraid that jeans would not be the thing to wear when I got OLD.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I didn’t know you were into cars. My hubby has a 1969 Mustang you would love. XO

  11. Ellen,

    Good responses. I’m an optimistic person, too. My parents are optimistic, so I guess I get mine from both of them. How are y’all doing with the big snow storm that hitting your state? Stay indoors. Keep warm. Be safe!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 We only got 5 inches, but the coast ( 2 hrs away) got slammed and have a lot of power outages. XO

  12. I had to deliver sub Q fluids to a previous cat when she got a very bad infection. I could tell she was recovering when she refused to let me do it anymore. 🙂

    1. We had to do them for Joanie last week and she started growling and being feisty after a few days. XO

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