Friendly Fill-Ins Week 293

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. My focus word for 2022 is ________________.
2. This year I want to learn more about __________________.
3. I _________ during the first week of 2022.
4. In this season of my life, I _________.
My answers:
1. My focus word for 2022 is HOME.  I want to stay home as much as possible and work on projects for the home like that darn ceiling painting.
2. This year I want to learn more about grants to open a shelter.
3. I stayed home a lot during the first week of 2022.
4. In this season of my life, I want to create a legacy.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

My flashback is from January 2016, right before Angel Stinky left us. She was a sweet girl and we will always miss her.

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  1. Well, I love your fill-ins, Mine were sort of boring this week, but we’re a little sluggish around here after the holidays, Not that we partied all night, haha. I think we’re just taking a little rest from RESPONSIBILITY. Not long….

  2. Nice fill ins. We stayed home the first week of 2022, and most of 2020 and 2021 as well!
    Lovely photo of Angel Stinky.

  3. WOW – opening a shelter would be a big undertaking but YOU could do it and you have a place you could use as a shelter too. You have a passion for helping animals so who better to have a shelter than a loving and kind lady who cares deeply for animals. Anyway, let’s hope 2022 brings us what we want and what we need (like good health!!).

    Love, Pam

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Yes, we have the space so I hope it can happen. XO and love to you too.

  4. Mom hadda stay home…she was busting with germs. They are getting mowed down now with antibiotic.

  5. Ellen,

    I’m sure HOME will be our main focus this year, too. I’m hoping by spring Covid will calm down so we can plan that New England vacation that we’ve put off for nearly two yeas because of the pandemic. We haven’t left the house since Christmas week when we went to the western North Carolina for the day. This has been largely due to the holidays and the cold weather. At this pace, we’re going to get cabin fever fast. I’m trying once again to keep a daily journal. I think it’s important to have a written account of what’s going on in our lives partly for us to reflect on memories forgotten but mostly for others who would like to know one day what we were doing. I wish I had been the type of person to keep a journal all my life but never really got interested in doing it for too long.

    Thanks for hosting. I hope y’all are keeping warm. Stay safe and healthy, my friend!

  6. Great answers to the fill-ins!
    Mum stayed home for the early part of January(vacation and a birthday) and I loved that!!
    It’s good to set goals too.
    Happy New Year!
    Purrs, Julie

  7. First off I can’t open your site on any platform just on my phone. So i can’t add my link. If you could do that it would be great.

    Love your fill-ins. Thanks for co-hosting the fun.

    Awww on Angel Stinky. Adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. 💞

    1. I am sorry you had trouble linking up. I was just going to do it, but see you already did. XO

  8. You already have a legacy. You’re a legend! TW is tired of staying home and has been taking walks even though it’s below freezing and the cold is causing her asthma to flare up.

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