Friendly Fill-Ins Week 274

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I plan to ___________________ these last few days of August.
2. I am a ________________________.
3. _________ is proving difficult these days.
4. Have I ever told you about the time that I _________?
My answers:
1. I plant to see The Great One as much as possible these last few days of August. She starts Kindergarten full time on September 1st so everything will be changing and I am not happy about it.
2. I am a daughter, wife, auntie,  great auntie and cat mom.
3. Getting off the floor is proving difficult these days. Whenever I get on the floor to play with the kids my back hurts.
4. Have I ever told you about the time that I was an extra on 30 Rock and sat right next to Alec Baldwin?  I am sure most of you knew that, but it was a big thrill for someone that has lived in a small town her entire life. Even if I couldn’t talk to him and don’t particularly like him- I wish it had been Nic Cage. I would have broken the rules and talked to him.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

My flashback is from August 2018, Angel KaTwo was posing with a book for a review.

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  1. Nice to meet you! I’m going to participate in this fill-in, and I wanted to introduce myself. I’m Forgetfulone and I’ve been blogging since Dec. 2005. The picture of your “cat scout” cracks me up! So cute and clever! I love cats, too.

  2. That would have been exciting to be on a famous show.
    Loved seeing KaTwo:)

    1. I plan to be at my work or doing household chores these last few days of August. And I have a dentist appt…
    2. I am a nurse aide with many years experience.
    3. My work is proving difficult these days, because we have had a lot of staff that have abruptly quit…and due to the ongoing Covid pandemic.
    4. Have I ever told you about the time that I made a little boy drop his jaws with amazement when I wanted to hold the snake he thought to scare me with? He had no idea I wasn’t scared of them and he thought I would scream. LOL!

    1. Thank you for these great fill0in answers. I am sorry you have to clean and go to the dentist. That stinks about people quitting. That is funny about the snake I would have been screaming. Have a good weekend. XO

  3. Great filling in! I know you aren’t happy about having less time with The Great One….you will still get to have some quality fun time with her though! You are MANY THINGS to MANY PEOPLE – including a super good and treasured friend to everyone. Especially ME!

    Hugs, Pam

  4. I love your fill-ins and especially #4. I know you would have talked to Cage. Made me smile.

    Getting off the floor is very difficult indeed. Most of the time I need help.

    Aw on Angel KaTwo. Wonderful Flashback.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo ♥

  5. Nice answers I can’t even get on the floor let alone get up again LOL
    Congrats on #2 👍

    I liked Angel Ka Two’s regal pose heheh!

    Have a baldwinlesstastic weekend 👍

    1. Very cool you were an extra too. Yes, it is long and mostly boring plus they treat extras like dirt.

  6. Did not know about your #4! It’s always tough when the kids start going to school. They grow up too fast. I do my best to not get on the floor because it is too hard to get up. Angel KaTwo… a gorgeous cat.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. I plan to be busy these last few days of August. Not my choice but what can I do?
    2. I am a pluviophile. New word I learned from a friend when she found out how much I love rain and cloudy days.
    3. Exercising is proving difficult these days.
    4. Have I ever told you about the time that I got dumped in the desert by my horse? At least she didn’t leave me to walk back to the barn. Ha!

    1. Thank you for these great answers, nice to learn more about you and I learned a new word too. 🙂 SOrry you are going to be busy. XO

  7. Great seeing Ka-Two again thanks. Fun fill ins and wow an extra, very cool. Yeah I wish I could get on the floor. Rumpy refuses to help me up if I do

  8. Mee-yow KaTwo was gorgeeuss an well red two!
    Miss Ellen yore so cute sayin you wuud have meowed to Nick Cage…
    LadyMew meeted Mistur Jonny Cash an Miss June Carter inn 1980. As THE story goes, they held a Reeceeevin line at lunch time…weel there were lotss off peepell there. When LadyMew got to Mistur Johnny she lost her voice….shee stared from his boots to top of him an when he meowed to her all shee cuud due was “squeek”!
    Shee meowed with Miss June no problem… Mistur Johnny leened over an meowd, :You found your voice little lady?” an when LadyMew went to reeply shee ‘squeeked’ again!!!
    True story! Mew mew mew…….
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an {{hugss}} LadyMew

  9. LOL on #3. I was laying on the floor with Mudpie today…the fan felt really good down there…getting up isn’t as easy as it used to be though! And for #4, if I’d had the chance to sit next to Conway I would’ve broken the rules and been on his lap 😉

  10. Great answers, yes, it gets harder to get up off the floor the older you get, don’t go down without a getting up again plan in place.

  11. Excellent fill-ins! And I bet it was fun being an extra (even if it was Alec Baldwin). I agree with you on Nick Cage. Wow is the Great One growing up fast! It is hard to believe she is starting Kindergarten!

  12. Interesting answers to the fill ins! I agree about getting up from the floor. I don’t get on the floor any more, except I’ve had a fall or two, and have real trouble getting up!
    How cool to have been an extra on 30 rock! 🙂

  13. Hmmm, we are having trouble getting our comments to ‘Stick” . We did leave a comment yesterday, about how wonderful it was to see KaTwo and how much fun it would be to be an extra (even if it was Alec Baldwin and NOT Nick Cage) . So we are trying again…

    1. Sorry about that. I see the comments, but they don’t always show up for the blog right away. XO

  14. Fantastic fill-ins, as always! I really hope The Great One enjoys school, but I also really hope you and Joanie can still have her over for play dates sometimes. And I think it’s so fun that you were an extra on 30 Rock, but it’s also upsetting how poorly extras are treated. Hello to beautiful angel KaTwo! Purrs!

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