Friendly Fill-Ins Week 246

Hi everyone! Before we get to the fill-ins, Emmy has some exciting news to share. She sent her name in to sponsor Dr. Seuss Day and her friend June picked a paper with her name on it.

June also picked Timmy Tomcat and Ranger the Scottie. Emmy is proud to be a co-host with them.

Be sure to save the date for the Dr. Seuss blog hop- March 2nd. Emmy will be having a giveaway that day too.

Now, time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. Years ago, I had a ____________________.

2. I used to want a _____________, but now I don’t.
3. I have just recently become interested in _________.
4. I wouldn’t be where I am today without _________.
My answers:
1. Years ago, I had a lot of pet rabbits.
2. I used to want a tortoise, but now I don’t.  My cats are plenty to take care of without any other critters.
3 I have just recently become interested in soul retrieval. I bought a book about it from Amazon and I have some I am expecting at the library too.
4. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my guardian angels.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

And the winner of Penny’s Valentine’s Day giveaway is:
   Cat Scout Bunty- congratulations!!

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  1. Congrats to Emmy Chimera did it a few years ago and she had a blast.

    1. Years ago, I had a horse.
    2. I used to want a hippo, but now I don’t.
    3. I have just recently become interested in (can’t think of anything).
    4. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my family

    1. It is the belief that was lose parts of our soul when we go through trauma and we can get it back through meditation and other exercises. XO

  2. 1. Years ago, I had a goldfish that lived to about 5 years. I fed it all the small flies and mosquitoes I could catch for it, to supplement the food it got..

    2. I used to want a German Shepherd dog or a Border Collie, but now I don’t. Mutts and rescues are more interesting and just as wonderful!
    3. I have just recently become interested in learning to use both an air fryer and an instant pot…I got them both for Christmas.
    4. I wouldn’t be where I am today without all my family and friends, and my faith and church family.

    Concats to Emmy on being chosen as one of the hostesses for DrSeuss Day!
    And to Cat Scout Bunty for winning your giveaway!

    1. Thyank you for these great answers. That was kind of you to collect bugs for the fish. We love our air fryer. XO

  3. Congratulations to Emmy! I searched soul retrieval… fascinating! Guardian angels are a comfort.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. Years ago, I had a kitty. She was the very best girl.
    2. I used to want a Vespa Scooter but now I don’t.
    3. I have just recently become interested in the music of Chris Standring.
    4. I wouldn’t be where I am today without a wonderful teacher I had in high school.
    Thank you, Ellen♥

    1. I am enjoying the book. Thank you for these great answers. I would not want a scooter either. I am sire your kitty was sweet. I need to look up Chris Standring. XO

  4. Congratulations to Emmy! I used to have rabbits too when I was young, Snowy, Roma and Peter. We also had 2 cats, 3 dogs and 2 budgies.

  5. Congratulations Emmy! I had a tortoise,growing up and still had it when I got my first cat. They got along great, but I don’t think my other cats would have been so easy going with him.

  6. Meowser and congratulations, Emmy!!!! Great answers, Ms. Ellen. Oddly enough, I mentioned my purrevious bunny brofurs in #1, too. Thank you for hosting this blog hop.

  7. Way to go on being one of the co-host of Dr. Seuss Day. That rocks Emmy.

    Love all your fill-ins. I’ve never had pets except for cats and dogs. My sister has had just about everything critter there is.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  8. Emmy, concatulations on being a host for Dr. Seuss Day! You would be a purrfect Cat in the Hat, that’s for sure. And what fantastic fill-ins! I also used to want some sort of turtle as a pet, and I also used to want a parrot. Though I still have a great appreciation for both of these animals, I have to admit that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the special care they would need on top of my kitties and pup. Purrs!

  9. WoWZERS! Double concatulations! Emmy! We are so furry happy to see you on the Dr. Suess Day Badges! We are going to put ours up later today and to at Scout Bunty! Bunty you are going to love your blanket! Mom is going to answer the Fill-ins here! We forgot to put them in the post this week.
    1. Years ago, I had budgies and fish.
    2. I used to want a trip on a cruside ship, but now I don’t.
    3. I have just recently become interested in painting again. I have not yet gotten my brushes out though, it has been 2 years since I last painted anything.
    4. I wouldn’t be where I am today without learning to be grateful for what I have.
    Thanks Ellen! We love the fill-ins and all the fun we find at 15 and Meowing! We love you! Have a marvellously Happy Day!

    1. Emmy thanks you. Thank you for these great answers. After seeing so many stuck in quarantines on ships last year, I would never get on one. I look forward to your paintings. And I love you too. XO

      1. Mom has never heard of soul retrieval. She is going to need to check that out. Congratulations to Emmy. We love Dr. Seuss Day. Also, congratulations to Scout Bunty! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  10. Congrats to Emmy and her partners for Dr Seuss Day – and to Bunty for winning such a great prize.

  11. We are so honored to be this years sponsors of Dr Seuss Day with Emmy and Ranger. So very cool. Dad says your number 3 sounds really interesting and he has guardian angels too. When he had his accident he went to the white place and tells us to not worry when we may need to go to the bridge. He is not sure who sent him back but when he was back that was the hard part.
    Congratulations Bunty. You will love that cat mat

    1. Your Dad should write a book. I am fascinated with things like that, I like to know there is proof of the afterlife. XO

  12. As you know, I too am interested in soul retrieval. I learned about it from an animal communicator, who told me about a cat whom she helped. After getting out of the house, the cat was horribly frightened and scared, and when back home, couldn’t regain her normal emotional state. By ‘finding’ the bits of the cat’s soul that had fractured when she was outdoors, the cat settled into her usual placid state again.

  13. Rabbits! I didn’t know that. That is cute. And the soul retrieval stuff sounds like something I would enjoy! I hope you share some info about the books you read after you’re done with them. I’d love to hear more. xo

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