Hi everyone! Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. Please leave your link (at bottom of post) here or at my co-host’s Four-Legged Furballs. You can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate.
1. One can _____________.
2. Given the choice of _______________ or _______________, I would pick _________________.
3. _________ makes me feel _________.
4. I never go a day without _________.
My answers:
1. One can accomplish almost anything with effort and persistence.
2. Given the choice of meeting Nicolas Cage or a million dollars, I would pick the money. Sorry Nic, but I could help so many cats with that kind of money.
3. The sound of a cat’s purr makes me feel calm.
4. I never go a day without coffee, kitty cuddles and talking to my mom. I talk to my hubby daily too, but that is a given 🙂

We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.
Effort and persistence will take you far, won’t they?
Coffee is the elixir of life around here.
Ah, everyone is a critic, letting you know how to decorate your house! Heeheehee!
I agree, it will take you far. I can’t move without coffee.
Ms. Ellen, you’re correct about effort and purrsistence… both are very worthy things… I’m now rather embarrassed for answering the question salmon or treats… I was a bit hungry….
You answered honestly. 🙂
I guess Nic’s loss is a gain for kitties everywhere. Have a blessed week.
I wish I had that choice to make 🙂 I hope you have a blessed week too.
Pawsome answers to the fill-ins.Mum likes #4.
WE like you way up there Sammy, Happy hunting!
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Thank you 🙂
What super filling in today! I’d choose a million bucks too over meeting ANYONE I can think of. Bat hunting is a worthwhile pastime and I bet you Sammy was the one who pushed the bat off its’ perch but Emmy was the one who dragged it into the hallway so you’d find it! It was a joint effort!
Hugs, Teddy
Thank you 🙂 I think you are right about the joint effort. 🙂 XO
Love the answer to number 1, it is so true!
Thank you 🙂
Those are some fantastic fill-ins. I would take the money too to help as many cats as I could. Sammy, we think it would be fun to go bat hunting too. You all have a great day.
Thank you 🙂 I hope you had a great day too. XO
Those are great answers. Now I’m wondering when these kitties are going to come and take down the huge spider sitting on my desk. haha
We like bats, too. Laynie especially loves them. If you see the photo shoot slideshow that I posted, she has a couple of pictures with Bat Skellington. 🙂
Kitty purrs are the best calming medicine there is. 🙂
Ooops! I also meant to say have a blessed weekend!
I hope you have a blessed weekend too. XO
Thank you. I enjoyed your photo shoot slideshow. XO
You’re welcome and thank you, too. I am glad that you enjoyed it. 🙂
Those were totally purrfect answers!
Thank you.
Sammy, you are sure on top of things!
He tries 🙂
Your fill-ins are always fantastic! I was honestly wondering how the Nicolas Cage vs. a millions dollar showdown was going to end. I thought Nic might win out, but you are so right about a million dollars helping lots of kitties. And my Halloween decorations are still up, too. I know I should probably take them down this weekend, but that also kind of breaks my heart. Purrs!
Thank you. I hate to take them down too 🙂
LOL posing their and very proud to 🙂
I liked your fill-ins
Have a posetastic weekend 😉
Thank you. We hope you have a great weekend too! 🙂
Sammy, Halloween is a state of mind, not just a day! Give your mom a break on removing the decorations, kitty!
MOL! 🙂
Love all your answers. Also love the bat hunt. So cute.
Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥
Thank you. I hope you have a great weekend too. XO
It must be serious work… He has his lasers on.
Yes, it must be 🙂
Great answers. ‘Sorry, Nic’ made me giggle. Take care, my dears! I hope all is well. PS I think smaller fish tanks are more difficult. Not many fish do well in mine, while the 29 tank seems to have a healthy population of all sorts, including a pretty large clown loach. Heh…
Thank you 🙂 I am glad your tank is doing well.
I love your answers! Sound of a cat’s purr makes me feel calm, too..and happy! How nice you got a gift bat 🙂
Thank you 🙂
I agree about the million bucks and kitty purring…
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you. XO
Great answers!
Kitty purrs and money for kitties all the way 🙂
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Thank you 🙂 XO
Ya, take the decorations down. mol Mom has only a couple of stickums left to remove and if she doesn’t hurry, Tyebe will take them down for her. She’ll never be able to use them when Tyebe’s finished with them.
Poor ole nic Cage abandoned for money. You could help alot of kitties though.
Thank you Shoko 🙂 XO
We like your answer to #1. Everything is worth a good try. And we like the idea of cuddles every day too:)
I really want to gnaw on this bone, but I can’t get my paws there to hold it:(
Mom wants to give you an update on my visit with my surgeon last night.
I really want to gnaw on this bone, but I can’t get my paws there to hold it:(
Mom wants to give you an update on my visit with my surgeon last night.
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
Thank you for your answers. I am sorry you can’t grab the bone with that cone.
I applaud you for taking the million dollars… So many cats still need help.
It’s always good to have help with taking down the Halloween decorations ?
Thank you. I wish I had that choice to make 🙂
Here is something for you:
I cried the first time I saw that video. If I let it, I will even today.
Thank you for sharing, I will check it out.
Amen to 3 and 4! Your #2 made me chuckle…not sure I’d make the same choice with my #1 guy, but since he’s no longer with us I guess I don’t need to worry about it…not that I need to worry about winning a million dollars either MOL
Thank you 🙂 I wish we had those choices to make. 🙂
Nicolas Cage or a million dollars. I’m with you. I’ll take the million.
LOL! 🙂
Very nice answers.
I am laughing about the Nicholas Cage comment.
Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog.
Thank you 🙂 Glad you got a chuckle.
Why did the cats read #1 different from the humans? MOL! I think everyone here would pick the cool million over meeting anyone famous.
Good job batting those bats, Sammy.
Great fill ins today! We bet Nic would understand!
Thank you 🙂
It would be nice if #2 could accomplish both. You’d meet Nicolas Cage and he’d donate one million dollars towards helping with cat rescues and their care. Wouldn’t that be something!
That sure would be great 🙂
We felines do not understand the fascination (and need) you humans have for this coffee stuff. I think you should try a little catnip,that would perk you right up (unless you’re like Tucker and catnip makes you mean!)
Purrs & Head Bonks,
I will stick with coffee 🙂
Good choice with #2!
Thank you 🙂
Mom said “what” out loud right away when she read your #2 completion. But she’s pretty certain that every cat lover would make the same choice. We think the angle of the photo makes Sammy look like he is a hundred feet off the floor. Mom thinks that is wonderful that you have the opportunity to talk to your mom everyday. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
Sammy was up about 6 feet. I am blessed to be so close to my mom. XO
Coffee was my first thought too!
It’s nice that you have helpers for your undecorating. 🙂
I can’t move without coffee 🙂
You are so luvved awnty Ellen. A kitty only gives gifts to those we luv. big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
I am glad Emmy loves me. XO
Watch out, Sammy! There’s a huge spider crawling up to get you!
MOL! 🙂
[…] 1. Feline Friday2. bethere2day3. messymimi’s meanderings4. Jeanne Foguth5. Purrseidon6. Cecilia7. Margs Animals8. Coco9. Brian: Feline Friday10. McClendon Villa11. 15andmeowing […]
I am just catching up a bit while on my mini-vacation, so I don’t have my own fi;l ins, but yours were great t read, and I would agree. I only wish I still had a Mom to chat with…but I love chatting with some of the more cognizant residents about all kinds of things, including music, pets and recipes, and old TV shows and sometimes politics, too.
Thank you. I am sorry your mom is no longer with you. XO