Hi everyone! I am very excited because after 3 months of blogging, I am going to meet a fellow blogger. She is at a cat show only 30 mintues from my home so I can’t miss this chance. I hope to have a photo for tomorrow. I also hope to meet more of you someday.
Today is” every cat has a story day” and I have already told you about 12 of our kitties, only 3 left to go. Today will be Penny’s day. Penny is our chatty little Tortie. Back in May of 2012, Joanie kept looking out the window so I went to see what she was looking at and it was Penny. I ran out with a can of cat food and she came right over. I figured my hubby would get mad if I brought her inside, but she was clever. She followed him all around the yard and kept meowing at him. Before the day was over, she was inside.
We kept her in a crateΒ the first night. The next day I brought her to get checked for FELV/FIV and a rabies shot. Luckily, she was already spayed and was healthy. She blended right in with the rest of the family. I named her Penny because we love the show Big Bang Theory. I like to say Penny, Penny, Penny like Sheldon does when he knocks on her door. This was her meowing the day we found her and this is her happy in the house:
In case anyone is wondering, I did ask around the neighborhood and check Craigslist for missing cats. We found a Penny picked her up and now we have good luck -and so does she.
Penny is adorable. We’re glad you picked her up.
Thank you and I am glad we picked her up too.
We are so happy you picked Penny up and have guaranteed good luck π
That is how we got our Julie.
Thanks for the Blogoversary wishes π
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ
Thank you, I am sure Julie is happy you adopted her too.
I think Penny looked around and saw you loved kitties and chose you!! She knew what she wanted π
Nice to meet you Penny ! We’re glad you were picked up by a great cat lover ! Purrs
Thank you π
We sure are glad you picked that Penny up! She’s a real good luck charm. π
What a fun name for such a pretty kitty! I’m not surprised she’s chatty–our tortie, May Ling, has something to say about everything, all the time!
May Ling is a cute name too π
Penny be vewy bootyful. So glad she found yous. π
Luv ya’
Thank you Dezi, you are beautiful too.
What a sweet story! She is beautiful. I love her name and the story behind her name. A lucky Penny she is for sure!
Thank you, we love our Penny.
We love the tortie girls at our house and The Big Bang Theory as well. Penny is darling, and she knew just where to go when she needed a new home. Glad the hubby agreed. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Torties are fun, lots of purrsonality.