1. Well, Rusty, if you can keep those shades above your eyes but still on your forehead, you will have become an Italian cool dude. Love the art!

  2. I really do like that rt effect; and Rusty looks like an old gentleman cat taking a break from all the work.

  3. Well, instead of Rusty shoving them up on top of his head like most peeps/cats, he likes to let them drop down. I do that occasionally. He is adorable in that photo.
    The Mola effect makes Angel Joanie and her Gremmie look very festive. That effect is very “let’s party!”

  4. Rusty is one cool cat. 😀 My husband will almost certainly take a nap this afternoon, so I’ll try that lovely puzzle then. You see, our sweet Dandelion woke the poor guy around 1:30 am. She had crawled onto his chest and started kneading his neck (!) , during which those needle tipped nails came out just a little. Ouch… He’s a mensch, though, and didn’t brush her off.

  5. Is that Rusty??? That is some superb art work. That is an effect we haven’t seen.

    Woos – Misty and Timber

  6. Rusty’s greatest talent is being a Bloopurr! What else can you expect because he’s always a little Rusty?

    What a bright and beautiful artwork he made despite the Bloop!

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