C is for Cork

Hi everyone! Today is C day for The A-Z Blogging Challenge. C is for cork toys.Β 

I found the pattern on the Animal Rescue League of Iowa’s website years ago. Here is the link, they have several free patterns there. When I originally found it, I made a bunch to send them and I plan to again when I have time to crochet more.

Β  Brody is posing with the box of yarn ( 50 different colors) that our friends, Purrseidon and Mr. M sent us. It is coming in very handy for this challenge. Thank you!!!!

If you are participating in the A-Z Challenge be sure to add your link at Blog Chatter.




  1. I tried to link to Blog Chatter for A & B, and got a notice saying the link was closed. I linked just now. Do I need to link to them every day? Thanks!

    You are so creative and so sweet to do the things you do and make the goodies you make. You are a blessing to anyone who knows you.


    1. No, you only need to add your link once which I like instead of everyday like on the A-Z site. You are too sweet. Thank you for the compliment. XO

  2. Cork!!! Who knew! Will there be a wine bottle to go with that?? MOL!!!

  3. CORK!!!! That’s what’s inside!! I always wondered. Mom said it was a plastic bottle like film used to come in but I didn’t think so. This is fun!??

  4. Oh, we have one of these from you! It is one of Thimble’s all-time favorite toys. She can’t get enough of it. We enjoy seeing all of your crocheted creations, and we can’t wait to see what other fantastic pieces you’ve made!

  5. Ellen, are actually crocheting every day of the challenge or did you do your work ahead? What do the kitties do with these little toys? Are they filled with catnip? I wonder what you’ll do for the next letter? Perhaps, whenever you get a chance, check out some critters I drew for the letter “C” in my A2Z series, Art Sketching Through the Alphabet! Happy a2zing, my friend!

    1. I made quite a few in March so I would be sure to complete the challenge. I was afraid if I got sick or busy I wouldn’t be able to do it.

  6. Purrseidon & Mr. M are very pleased to know that you and Brody are enjoying the yarn. I also add that Brody looks much calmer around yarn than Purrseidon does.
    Hope you have a wonderful day/week.

  7. My great aunt tried to teach me simple crochet techniques a long time ago. She gave up. ~grin~ I’m better with words than yarn, though I did make a haunted house from a plastic canvas/yarn kit. Took years, because I’d set it aside for months.

    1. My Mom gave up teaching me and paid for me to take a class at the library πŸ™‚ I bet the haunted house is nice.

    1. I wonder what color he prefers? Lucy used to love red, but I am not sure on anyone else.

  8. Yur so-o gorgeeus Phoebe gurl…mee all most fainted!!!!
    Seemss to bee ALOT of this goin around, mew mew mew…..
    All mee LUV an **paw kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Yes, your handsome selfie made me faint on Sunday πŸ™‚ XO and paw kisses and lots of love

  9. guyz….mom did another grate job….. will two morrow bee a bottle oh Dona Blanca …we dunno what it tastez like… we just asked de inter net dood bout D wines ! πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯

  10. So many beautiful colors! I wish I had the patience to crochet … I checked out the link and there are some neat patterns! We love the pictures of Phoebe and Brody. It just occurred to me that you sent us a cork with the drumstick … and Bear’s played with it a lot (thank you again!!!).

  11. Corks can make fun kitty toys, especially with the crochet cover. And corks are pretty easy to come by, even if you’re not a wine drinker.

  12. Hee hee–corks with little sweaters. I bet that really ups their playability score–it would give something good for a claw to hook into so a kitty could toss it an chase it when no Human felt like playing with hiim, which I assure you happens all too often. THAT”S what’s so great about the shaggy balls you made me. I can entertain myself for a long time. Who needs a Human???? (Well, except yours cause she made them!! Mine’s really not that useful). XOXOXO

    1. Thank you Spitty. I am glad you are still enjoying your “spit” balls πŸ™‚ XOXOXO

  13. I have one of your corks!!!! Those are some pretty yarn. Do you know TW used to crochet. She recently looked at the price of yarn and almost passed out.

  14. Brody looks so content in that photo! He is such a handsome boy πŸ™‚

    How kind of Purrseidon to send you the yarn:) We still enjoy the crochet toys you sent us!

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Brody is a sweetie. I am glad you like your toys still. Purrsedion is very sweet. XO

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