
Hi everyone! Today we bring you The Potato Heads with a Public Service Announcement.

  Hi! You are probably wondering why we are all smiling around this bowl of potato salad. It does look tasty, doesn’t it?

It is actually cauliflower salad. Apparently, cauliflower is very versatile and as tasty as we are. Plus, it is good for you and not full of carbs like we are. So, for your health and ours- replace all your potato recipes with cauliflower.

Have a great 4th! And Happy Canada Day today!

Hi everyone!  We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays 


  1. ooh….cauliflower is so, so good and there is even a green one now, which makes a pretty salad, we think. Merci for the ideas although mama’s neighbor just gave her 50 new potatoes, organic, from his garden!!! Maybe we’ll mix the two.

  2. It looks like you just saved the lives of a lot of potatoes. A little bit like giving the turkey of reprieve on Thanksgiving day. On the other hand I really do like cauliflower.

  3. Potato Heads, that is some good information about carbs and to make an effort to choose cauliflower over potatoes! Taking your PSA under serious consideration!

  4. A great tip and those potato heads are the only potatoes that belong in our homes.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to all the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

  5. Oh yum salad ~ great for the Summer too ~ fond memories of ‘Potato Heads’ ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Have you ever heard of or seen romanesque cauliflower? Here’s a link to a recipe complete with an image of this stunning vegetable. It’s literally in the shape of a Fibonacci spiral. 😀 Meanwhile, thanks for the tip! Hugs, my dear.

    1. I didn’t see a link so I looked it up. I am eager to try it now. I checked and it doesn’t grow in our zone, but maybe Whole Foods would have it. XO

  7. I haven’t had cauliflower salad but I do love potato salad! Cauliflower is pretty bland tasting when eaten raw, but this might be good. I may have to give this a try!

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