Another Hopping Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone, time to get hopping. I am once again using one photo for 2 hops. The theme for The Lazy Pit Bull’s 52 Snapshots is “water”. One of my favorite photos of Phoebe is with water dripping down her chin when she got caught drinking from my cup. I went to Photofunia and made a “watercolor” out of it so we can join Athena’s Caturday hop too.

Caturday Art52 Snapshots of Life


Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. Leaving someone out is CRUEL.
  4. Would you post a PHOTO OF YOUR KITTY ( YES, ALL THE TIME -sorry, had to squeeze a cat in there somewhere).

We are also joining Rascal and Rocco:

Pet Parade blog hop linky party

Phoebe will see you tomorrow with more sharkie selfies.


  1. Cute photo of Phoebe the water-pilferer and it “translated” into a great bit of artwork on canvas too! Happy Hopping!

    Hugs, Sammy

  2. Oh yes – my girls do also like to drink from my cup. It’s sweet, but I’d prefer they’d use their own bowls.

    You’re always so creative to combine these blog hops, it’s always fun to see how you manage to get them all in one post.

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I think kitties like cups better- maybe they need their own cups πŸ™‚ Mine have a small one in the bathroom they prefer over their bowls.

  3. Photofunia looks like a cool site- nice picture! I agree with your 4 statements. Of course, having like-minded blogging friends means we never have to say “sorry” for posting cat pictures all the time.

  4. What a gweat foto. Weez have da chin wets purretty offen too, but not fwum dwinkin’ fwum mommys glass, it’s fwum da fountain. Course sumtimes it’s dwool too. MOL Have a pawsum weekend.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. Mee sweet buttercup cutie!!!!!
    Mee luvss thiss foto of you!!!
    An mee luvss you <<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    ***paw kissesss*** an ~~~head rubsss~~~
    Yur littul Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Awww…I love you forever too. Maybe your Mum can make a photo of you with this program so I can print it out for my album. XOXO Love and paw kisses and nose kisses.

      1. What do you meen Purrince Phoebe?? Mee not understand!
        LadyMum doess not have a printer….
        Mee iss yur seet an confused Purrince,
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Phoebe, you make a beautiful oil painting! Hope you’ll join us tomorrow for Sunday Selfies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  7. Phoebe looks so cute with the water dripping off her chin. However, her expressions says, “Ya, I was in the cup of water…wanna make a big deal of it?


    1. Exactly πŸ™‚ She does it daily. Funny thing, I bought her a pretty green cup and she won’t use it.

  8. Ugh – I don’t get why people feel they have a right to know such personal things!! If someone wants to talk about it, they will introduce the topic in conversation on their own. If not, mind your business!!

    And I definitely post pictures of our kitty. Just not every day, because honestly — he’s not much for posing! LOL

    1. Thanks for visiting. I am past the age where people bug us and after 22 years of marriage I think they know it won’t happen. My niece got married in 2013 and is expecting now, but it drove me nuts for people to bug her because you never know who is having trouble, etc.
      SOme of my kitties are more willing than others with the photos πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I love that photo with the water on her chin and the innocent look.

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