Another Hopping Monday

Hi everyone! We are joining three hops today, but first I would like to ask for purrs and prayers for our friend Astrid of Four-Legged Furballs. She had surgery on what was thought to be a benign tumor, but now needs more surgery because it is a malignancy. Her mom is very worried so please pray for her too.

First off is Joanie’s review:

I haz no time for review this week. Halloween only 2 weeks away and I needz costume.

Sammy and I thank Grammie for late birthday gifts. 

The book I am going to review ties in with my “Spark” for this week.

Einstein and the Rabbi: Searching for the Soul by Naomi Levy is an amazing book. The author was inspired by a letter that Einstein wrote to a man who had lost his son.She searches for the man and many others whose lives he had touched. Her search is only part of the book though, she also offers ways we can connect with our soul. One way is through meditation, she recommends just meditating on the word “husa”. I was not familiar with the term before reading this book. It means an artists love for his ( or her) creation even if it is flawed. Much like we are all flawed, but God still loves us. By meditating on this we will become more forgiving and soften our judgement of others and ourselves.

So my spark for the week is simply, husa.

I am joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays, Book Date’s It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading? And Sparks by McGuffy’s Reader. Sparks is a new hop, this is week two. The goal is to make the world brighter by each posting a positive quote or photo.




  1. Saying prayers for Astrid. I know Mom is worried about her furbaby. Poor kitty! I hope the doctor can get all the malignant cells. Einstein was an interesting man. After watching the movie “IQ” supposedly based on Einstein with Walther Matthau and Megan Ryan I thought how it would’ve been nice to meet Albert but he died several years before I was born. Thanks for the “Sparks”!

  2. Are you sure you are CATS there and not BUNNIES? Hopping all over the place on a Monday is a lot of work for a cat but EASY for buns! Have a super and inspiring day today!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Oh Joanie, we hope you get that costume made. Looks like you have some good ideas. We sure are sending lots of good thoughts to Astrid. You all have a fine day.

  4. Happy birthday x 2! You are both such cuties, too. I have not read that book, though I have heard of it. That is a great Spark! There is truth and wisdom there. Thank you, my friend.

  5. Thank you so much for the purrs and prayers for Astrid. You are all such wonderful friends! Joanie, we are excited for Halloween around here, too. And I love the idea behind “husa”. It reminds us that it’s okay not to be perfect, and that is such a wonderful life lesson.

  6. The book does sound interesting, Einstein was an amazing person and i’d love to know more about him. That even if i could never understand all of his science in a million years.

    Praying for Astrid.

    1. There isn’t a lot about Einstein in here, just his letter to that man, but it is a good book.

  7. Sounds like an interesting book. I’m in a new house and have no idea if we’ll have trick-or-treaters. I hate to buy too much candy because I really don’t need leftovers. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  8. Mom says she is unfamiliar with that term. Thanks for teaching her something new. So nice of Grammie to deliver treats. We are so sad about sweet Astrid. It sounds like once they do the next surgery she will be okay, but we are praying big time. Have a good week, XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  9. Mee-you poor Astrid doggie! Sendin POTP to her fur sure.
    An Joanie yur too funny….you have so many costumes that Purrincess Phoebe leeved you….. mew mew mew…. ***sighsss*** Phoebe an mee were goin to bee MurrKatss fur Halloweeny…..Wee still reeding “Skin” by Mo Hayder….
    LadyMum has been tired most of thee week an goin to bed earlier so not much reedin goin on here…
    ***paw patsss*** Siddahrtha Henry =^,.^=

    1. Sorry your Mum hasn’t been reading to you lately. I hope you are snuggling with her. Paw pats.

      1. Oh yes Joanie mee snugglin with LadyMum dailee. Shee was so-o uppyset last nite…shee cried like a baby sayin shee was worried about mee. Mee snuggled her even more….poor LadyMum shee iss a wreck!
        An shee did reed to mee a bit later on. Thee misstery iss so-o spooky…an mee wunderss who thee ‘bad guy’ iss….

        1. I am glad your mum read to you, but sorry she was so sad. I hope you are feeling better. paw patts and a kiss on the cheek

  10. Many prayers for the canine cutie Astrid!- Our son’s twelve year old feline Rose was sneezing and had bloody noses. She is on anti-biotics now and the vet rechecks her this Wednesday. We pray no blood will be present otherwise they check them for tumors ;-(
    Thank you for your sweet post. Enjoy a terrific week and HUGS to you today and always

    1. I will add Rose to my prayer list, I hope she feels better soon and doesn’t have a tumor. XO

  11. I’m sorry to hear about your friend Astrid. Warm thoughts for her and her family.
    Joanie, I hope you get a nice costume for Halloween 🙂

  12. Hi, sweetie! We hope you get going on that costume soon. Our Mom is threatening to get out that dreaded Bee costume again for the umpteenth year in a row and try to stuff one or more of us into it. Send help.

    Thank you for that book review! Sounds like something our Mom would truly enjoy reading. We’ll make sure she adds it to her reading list.

  13. Husa… a great meditation word. The book sounds interesting, too. Joanie, you are a character! I am sure your Mom will come through with a costume!

    1. She better get me costume. I am not going to wear 50 gray paint chips again for 50 shades of grey.

  14. hay…werez R commint ~~~~~~ now we canna rememburr what we waz
    ritin ~~~~~~~
    insert crankee ass cat chow face ~~~~~~


  15. Our Mama has never heard of the term “husa” but it sounds as though even more people need to know its’ meaning 🙂

    We have Astrid in our thoughts and hope all goes well for her.XO

    the critters in the cottage xo

  16. Prayers for Astrid. It’s not easy when the furry family is sick. Just got back from the Vet’s with one of our cats so I understand how hard it is.
    The books sounds interesting.

  17. We’re sending lots of purrs and prayers for Astrid. Poor doggie. Our mom has been saying she needs to start to meditate again, and we’re going to make sure she uses “husa.”

    1. I am going to try too, even though I never have luck meditating. It is like I have a ping pong ball in my head.

  18. Sending purrs and POTP for Astrid.

    Joanie you made us giggle…no review, need costume! Tee-hee!

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