A-Z Challenge Reflections

Hi everyone! Today’s post is our reflections on the a-z challenge. This was our second year participating. I really enjoy writing posts for the challenge, but this year was certainly not as fun as last year because of Spooky’s illness and passing. The challenge did provide a distraction for me while grieving though. I will definitely participate next year and I am already trying to decide if I will do more books, or maybe blogging cats.
I was thrilled to find more cat blogs to follow including The Kitty Corner, ScootersTale, Six Cats and Counting and That’s Purrfect. If you don’t already follow these, you should check them out.

And for Toby’s Mom and anyone else , I am going to list all the books and authors I recommended so they will all be in one place for you.

A: Cleveland Amory ( The Cat Who Came for Christmas )

B: Basil the Bionic Cat by Cathrine Garnell , Bailey Boat Cat by Louise Kennedy

C: Casper the Commuting Cat by Susan Finden

D: Dewey the Small Town Library Cat by Vicki Myron

E: Quotable Cats edited by Charles Elliot

F:The Story of Fester Cat by Paul Magrs

G: Grumpy Cat ( she has several books)

H: Homer’s Odyssey by Gwen Cooper

I: I Could Pee on This by Francesco Marciuliano

J: Jackson Galaxy ( Cat Daddy) and Lillian Jackson Braun ( Cat Who Series)

K: Kitty Kapers by Martha Bayless

L: Lola : Diary of aΒ  Rescued Cat by Dawn White and Lola White

M: Miaow! Cats Are Really Nicer than People by Sir Patrick Moore

N: The Norton Trilogy by Peter Gethers

O: Making Rounds with Oscar by David Dosa

P: The Klepto Cat Mysteries by Patricia Fry

Q: The World is Your Litter Box by Quasi

R: Rescued edited by Janiss Garza ( Summer’s Mom)

S: Dear Sparkle: Advice from One Cat to AnotherΒ  edited by Janiss Garza

T: Tortitude by Ingrid King and Toto the Tornado Kitten by Jonathan Hall

U: Under the Paw by Tom Cox

V: Vi-Purrs by Jeanne Foguth

W: What My Cat Has Taught Me About Life by Niki Anderson

X: Xander de Hunter- main cat in The Sea Purrtector Series by Jeanne Foguth

Y: Yarned and Dangerous by Sadie Hartwell

Z: The Chronicles of Zee and Zoey by Deborah Barnes

For more reflectionss click here




  1. Thanks for putting up the entire list. Mom has copied it so she has a reference for all your recommendations. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. My catness!
    That sure becomes a long list of book when they are all listed, MOL!

    You did a lot of work doing that challenge:)

    We are so far behind…again…sigh…
    We read the other posts, but to keep the time under control we are just commenting here. MIAOW! WROOF!!

    1. I know your Meowmy works a lot of hours, no worries about commenting on all the posts. XO

    1. If your library doesn’t have them all, let me know and I can loan you the ones I have.

  3. Thanks for telling us about so many fabulous reads! It’s nice to know what’s worth taking time to read these days as busy as everyone is….so little time to read.

    Hugs, Sammy

  4. I very much enjoyed reading all of your book reviews for this challenge! And thank you for compiling them all here. You mentioned so many great ones, and now we can find them all in one place! Purrs!

  5. I followed you all month long. Spooky was the very saddest thing too. Having just love our beloved Little Bit I so know that pain.

    Have a blessed day. ☺

  6. You did a phenomenal job with this challenge! This is great that you have the whole list here in one spot!

  7. Glad you enjoyed it awnty Ellen. Mommy didn’t last year and so this year we fur sure didn’t purrticipate. Me might talk her into it next year, but dat would be a lot of talkin’. MOL We hope you’re doin’ okay. We’s sendin’ purrayers and hugs.

    Luv ya’


    1. I enjoyed the ones you did last year, I hope you decide to do it next year. XO and love to you both.

  8. guys…..ewe N yur mom did a grate job with de A ta Z challenge…..her dee servez a new car; tell dad …2016 mercedez and we think EACH oh ewe dee servez a new cat tree …with a fridge attached β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯β™₯ πŸ™‚

    1. You are too sweet πŸ™‚ No new car for me, but maybe a new cat tree ( they would have to share one). XO

  9. We are glad the challenge provided you with a distraction when grieving Spooky’s passing. It is an excellent list of books. Thanks for putting it together πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

  10. Thanks for all the work you did in the challenge, and for letting us know about these super books !

  11. Mowzers, you did a pawesome job finding one post for every letter! We think we’d be a bit challenged with that! (okay, we think our MOM would be challenged – MOL!)

  12. I adored your take on the A to Z Challenge and learned about several books I’d never heard of before! You actually inspired me to give the Challenge a shot next year! I already have an idea too and I’ve got a year to prepare for it LOL

    1. I am glad I led you to more books πŸ™‚ I hope you do the challenge next year, it is fun.

  13. Thank you for your support in the A-Z Challenge! I look forward to doing it again next year, though I have no idea what I will do for a topic or format! You did a great job!

    1. Thank you, you did a great job too and I am sure you will come up with a great theme for next year. XO

  14. Ah, thank you for putting them in one post. There are definitely a bunch that I want to check out! I’ll also go visit those blogs. Always looking for more to follow!

    1. You’re welcome, I am always looking for more to read too even though my Goodreads list has over 600 on the to read list.

  15. Thank you for this post with the complete list of your A-Z books. So many of them sounded good, and now we can see the titles all in one place. πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you, I loved your theme last year- I hope you change your mind and do it again.

  16. There were quite a few cat blogs. Perhaps they should make that a category on the linky list next year. It’d make them easier to find.

  17. I love reading about kitty books or books with kitties featured in them. This is a great list which mom said she will copy. xox

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