A-Z Challenge

Hi everyone! Today is day one of the A-Z Challenge.This is my second year participating and I am thrilled to be joining again. Last year, I discovered several new blogs and I hope to again. There are over 1,700 bloggers participating this year.

My theme is cat books. For A, I have chosen Cleveland Amory, one of my favorite authors. I actually recommended his books when I first started blogging, but had no audience . Click here for that post.

DSCF0943 Joanie is displaying my collection of his books about his beloved cat, Polar Bear. I actually named my Polar Bear after his cat.Β  There are three books: The Cat Who Came for Christmas, The Cat and The Curmudgeon and The Best Cat Ever. Here is a link to The Compleat Cat which is all 3 in one book.

The author rescued Polar Bear on Christmas Eve in 1977, the 3 volumes are about the life they shared. The first volume came out in 1987, I did not discover these books until about 10 years ago despite being a cat lover. I know many of you are familiar with these, but just in case someone isn’t, I want to spread the word.

See you tomorrow for B- I have 2 B’s. Please check out some of the other A-Z participants-click here


  1. Oh yes we remember Polar Bear from the book and we just love his books – they are sweet and heart-warming and my Mom has them in her library too!

    Hugs, Sammy

  2. Oh yeah, I love cat books! I’ve only read one of these, so I guess I need to fix that. . .

  3. I actually have never been introduced to Cleveland Amory or his books, so thank you so much for sharing this! After all these years of being a cat lover, I’m still only just learning about some of these, thanks to reviews like this. Purrs!

    1. I am happy to introduce you to them, that is why I wrote about them so younger readers like you can read them too.

  4. I have no desire to participate in the A to Z Challenge, but I do enjoy reading what others come up with. Always learn new things.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

    1. I enjoy reading the posts (but am “booked’out), so much so that I am practically eliminating them from my blog this year. I give all of you credit, NO WAY do I want to blog every day!

  5. I have “The Cat Who Came for Christmas” but haven’t had a chance to read it yet. I actually only discovered the books last year! Knowing that you recommend them is helpful to me – now I know they must be good. πŸ™‚

    1. I know your Mommy will love them- she should read them to you. XO Spooky sends you a kiss.

  6. Joanie……a grate start for yur challenge…..we loves theeze books….we haz reeded em two R mom…..we iz still knot a loud on line on de week oh endz… ore like rare lee….hope two morrow ya talk bout bass; like in de fish, knot de guitar !!! πŸ˜‰

    heerz two a flabby whalefish kinda week oh end everee oneβ™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. Actually, we will be writing about a boat cat- he gets fish πŸ™‚ Hope you have a great weekend too. XO

  7. This is what I love about the #Challenge. Finding new blogs. I am going to share your link with a great cat lover friend of mine though she is not participation. You’re off to a wonderful start with your post for letter A. If you have time, come and see me.

    1. Thank you for visiting and for sharing my blog. I love finding new bloggers through the challenge too.

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I hope I help you find some you never heard of, but I doubt I will.

  8. We have never heard of these books can you believe it? Our Mama is sooo lame! ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. TW used to read Cleveland Amory when he had a weekly column in our Sunday paper. I believe they may have published the Cat Who Came For Christmas cos TW read it somewhere.

  10. I used to read Cleveland Armory in the newspaper a long time ago! Had no idea he wrote cat books….
    And what a cool name for Polar Bear….
    Sherri-Ellen <3

    1. I wish I had known about him when he wrote for the paper. He is my hero, he saved so many different kinds of animals. He even went on one of those missions where they spray paint baby seals so they won’t be killed for their fur. XO

  11. Oooo…cat books! I love it! What a great idea for the A to Z. I always like a good cat book. It’ll be interesting to see what you’ve come up with and how many new books I can add to my library that is already too big. LOL.


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