A is For Angel and April Fool

Happy Wednesday everyone! Today is Day 1 of the A-Z Blogging Challenge. You can still join if you want. I am eager to discover some new blogs and hope some discover this one.

Today is A- A can be for Angel and April Fool. My beloved KaChoo was born on April 1, 1994. She was my first kitty and will always have a special place in my heart. Losing her in November 2010 was difficult, but her memory lives on until we meet again. I am sure she is an angel watching over me.

KaChooKaChooaprilMy little April Fool.

Have a nice day everyone, be sure to visit Phoebe tomorrow, she loves company.



  1. Enjoy the challenge. I am sure you will do well! I may join you next year. I need to get my proverbial act together first! I am working on creativity and my writing right now. Hug.

    1. Thank you. I read one of your recent posts and your creativity is perfect :)Hugs to you.

  2. Good luck with the Challenge. Our mom is not dedicated enough. Ka-choo was so adorable. Sorry you had such a short time with her. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. KaChoo was beautiful. First kitties always hold a special place in your heart.
    My first kitty, Felix, was born on 4-2-1994.

    1. Thank you:) That is an odd coincidence that they were born a day apart. How long did you have Felix?

  4. Kachoo was lovely. It hurts so much when we lose our beloved kitties, but they will remain in our hearts forever.
    Good luck with the challenge.

  5. Happy April Fools Day! Hope it’s special in some kind of way for all of you – I keep telling myself “April Showers Bring May Flowers” but when you get a sprinkle of snow once in a while it’s hard to think Spring!!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. SO true- the snow this year has been unbelievable, but those flowers are coming. Maybe we should change it to April snow helps flowers grow.
      Hugs to you too Sammy.

  6. Oh. Sad to read about KaChoo, I’m sorry for your loss. It’s so nice how you’re keeping her in your heart and sharing her pictures with us. She was a very pretty cat.

  7. kachoo sends her love bak….we promize β™₯β™₯β™₯

    dude & sauce… { RB clouds 777313 & 777315 }


  8. It is always sad when s furry leaves us, especially a special one!

    Good luck with the challenge! I know The Staff here would fall at the first hurdle!

  9. Weez sowry ’bout Kachoo. Sis Lexi’s bwofur Lucky Lucciano wuz born on Apwil 1dt da same year she wuz born. they wuz 28 days apawt in age and inseperable till hims went to heven. She almost mourned herselff away then too. Her and mommy didn’t know whedder or not they wuz gunna make it. But they did and now they have me. And togedder weez unstoppable. πŸ™‚ Hope yous have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  10. Awwww… what a beautiful little girl. It just totally sucks to lose them, doesn’t it? Your angel had a good long life, but I know it doesn’t make it any easier. You’ll always have the memories though.

    Big Hugs! -Cat

  11. Sadly I’m allergic to cats (although my boyfriend would love us to have one). I did have a wonderful bunny called James who is missed dearly.

    1. Bunnies are wonderful pets too, Ihave had several in the past, but now I am all about cats πŸ™‚ Thanks for visiting.

  12. Adorabull amazin Angel KaChoo <3
    LadyMum sayss her Husky/Shpeherd Bogart Sam was allso an April Fool'ss doggie an hee was a crazy wacky doggie πŸ˜‰
    Hurrah fur April 1st 4 leggedss!!!
    **paw kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Pee S: Pleeze give mee fond reegardss an **kissess** to Purrincess Phoebe xxxx Fankss Her Purrince <3

  13. OMC!! Not a good idea to do that A-Z thing for our meowmy…she would get all stressed out and even more behind, MOL!! It does look like fun and we enjoyed reading your angel posting about KaChoo.

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