1. Delicate, pretty, and purrfect, that’s what you are indeed, Phoebe! And I always feel so conflicted when it comes to cute cookies like that. The temptation is usually too great, yet at the same I feel so guilty. But, cookies are meant to be eaten, so enjoy!

  2. Phoebe is beautiful, and cookies are for eating. After all, if you didn’t eat it, it wouldn’t stay looking like that forever.

  3. phoebe….we toll maxwell N crew …sinz we canna take fotoz…we will submit

    delicate: next ta…. kneadz a good kleenin….. on de washin masheen ~~~ πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯β™₯

  4. Purrty an dellykat fur sure mee sweet buttercup…..
    An you eated sum of Lady Ellen’ss cokkie??? Mew mew mew…..
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx

  5. MOL! I hope that you enjoyed your bite of cookie! It is funny what kitties decide to try. Manna and Dexter will run off with my crackers if I take them out. Your “delicate” photo is very cute! I think it is very fitting. πŸ™‚

  6. Phoebe, you are not only delicate but very sweet and lovable!

    Tell your mama to start with the head on the cookie first . . . it’s less painful that way ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  7. Phoebe I love ya but delicate is not the first thought of you that comes to mind. However, are you thinking….deli cut…I love deli cuts. MOL

    Kitty kisses,


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