Happy 1st Birthday My Purrince

Hi everyone! Today is my sweet Purrince’s very first birthday. Please visit him and wish him a happy day: https://nylabluesmum.wordpress.com/

phoebecakeI wanted to jump out of a cake for him, but Mom is stupid challenged when it comes to photo editing. I did send him a package full of love and I sure hope he gets it in time for his birthday. I want his day to be as special as he is.

006He sent me a package for my Gotcha Day next week and it already arrived, but Mom said I can’t open it until my Gotcha Day- phoooey! She did open it and give me a couple of the treats my sweet purrince sent me, but I can’t read anything or take anything else out.

My Grammie is coming today, maybe she will let me open the package. I love her so very much.

Happy Birthday my sweet purrince with lots of paw kisses and nose kisses too!

Siddhartha's Condo selfieMy Handsome, sweet, thoughtful Purrince

I will be having a shark themed giveaway on Sunday.


  1. Mee-you sweet buttercup Purrincess an Lady Ellen mee iss totallee ***blushie earss*** here….
    Fank you fur beein mee Purrincess an mee furend, Mee issso glad yur parcel iss there safe an sound…
    Maybee Grammie will sneek thee parcel an open it fur you….butt if you have to wait iss OK…..
    Pawss crossed mee parcel shows up tomorrow or Furiday….
    ****paw kissess**** an ~~~head rubss~~~ an ***nose kissess***
    Yur funny littul ‘crazypantss’ Purrince, Siddhartha Henry

    1. My paws are crossed that your package arrives right on your birthday. I love you my crazy pants. pawkisses and nose kisses and headrubs.

      1. Mee mee-you Purrincess Phoebe mee parcel DID arrive Fursday butt LadyMum did not hear thee fone an did not get it. So on Furiday shee went with aunty Sheila to thee Postal outlet an shee picked thee parcel up!!!! Woo Hoo!!!
        So mee furinally got to open it last nite an it was so amazin an overwhelmin…Mee iss so humbulled mee can tell you sweet buttercup gurl…
        An FLAT PHOEBE iss pawtastick!
        LadyMum put ‘you’ inn mee Condo butt mee got so xcited me chewed a peece of yur tail off an eated it!!!!!! Mee got thee *stink eye* frum LadyMum an shee tooked you away an had to trim yur tail an you are now inn thee cupberd. Efurry time shee bringss ‘you’ out mee triess to nib-bulll sum more off you!!!!
        An thee green mousie iss mee new best furend!! Mee named him “Kelly Green” mew mew mew…
        LadyMum tooked fotoss an once shee iss all rested up an mee too….wee will do a bloggie an tell thee werld how wudnerfull you trulee ARE!!!!
        All mee luv Beekeeni Gurl frum yur ‘crazypantss’ silly Purrince
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. How sweet that you though Phoebe was good enough to eat πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to open your package to me on Tuesday, actually Mom said I can open it Monday night so we can post about it on Tuesday. Sorry Grammie’s mousie scared you. Paw kisses and nose kisses my sweet purrince- Love, Phoebes

    1. If Demi could do it- so can I. I can’t help it that I am so pretty I attracted a young purrince. πŸ™‚

      1. Mee adores you more an more mee sweet buttercup Purrincess!!! Fank you fur beein MEE Purrincess!! You make thee werld a luvley place!!!
        With reesepct an <3 LUV <3 an **paw kissess**
        Yur littul Purrince Siddhartha Henry

        1. You make the world a better place too my sweet boy. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I hope your Mom was able to get your package for you. Sending you all my love XOXOXO paw kisses and nose kisses.

          1. Fankss fur thee complimint Purrincess Phoebe…mee iss just a humbull kittyby! Mee wanted to do sumfing good fur Feral Kat group because they did so much fur mee!
            LadyMum iss goin to get mee parcel tomorrow….paws crossed!! Mee iss goin to bed now mee buttercup gurl; mee iss xhausted! Wait just one more dance an then mee call it a nite πŸ˜‰
            ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          2. I bet you were exhausted and Lady Mum too. I hope you got your package today- it is filled with so much love. XO paw kisses and nose kisses too.

    1. I wanted it for shark week, but it will be for Sharknado- my Dad is going to watch it.

  2. phoebe…we haz knot been ta yur huzbandz blog yet ta say happee day… but we just NOE him iz gonna love yur gift ….& ewe…hiz !!! happee day two all N may bee grammie will gives ewe a $ two day for an earl lee gotcha !! β™₯β™₯β™₯

  3. The Mom always makes us wait to open prezzies, too. Maybe your Grandma will let you have something out of the package. Grandmas are supposed to be good at spoiling!

    We hope your Prince has a wonderful birthday today!

    1. Grammie wouldn’t let me look in the package, but she gave us treats twice πŸ™‚

    1. Yes, my purrince is already one and I am going to be 13- does that make me a cougar?

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Mom is posting about it tomorrow – we are always a day late and a dollar short.

  4. OMC, I think your prince is purfect. Amy was even drooling when she saw your prince. I will ask my mom to send you something for your gotcha day.

    Billy The Time Cat

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ You don’t have to send me anything, your friendship is enough and come to my party on the 14th.

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