Feline Acne and Venus the Cat

Hi everyone! Tuesday is Medical issues day and I am going to fill you in on feline acne- not just for teenagers. Over the years, several of our cats have had this issue, but not for the same reasons. First off Venus the cat is on Good Morning America promoting adoptions from shleters-and spay/neuter ( Venus is spayed)-you go girl 🙂 For those of you that don’t know, she is the cool cat that has a symetrical line down her face-one side orange, one black. Kind of like 2 cats in one.

There are many reasons a cat gets acne including food allergies, stress and allergies to other things. I am not a vet ( I wish I was , I’d save a lot of money). For everything you need to know go to :http://vetmedicine.about.com/od/diseasesconditionscat/f/FelineChinAcne.htm.

Poor Lucy is the one that suffered the most from this due to my ignorance at the time. We tried everything from topical ointment to prednisone. Turns out, she is allergic to plastic. All she has to do is use a plastic bowl once and she breaks out. Joanie, Sammy and Stinky also suffer from this, but now we use only stainless steel or glass bowls. I am guessing most of the time feline acne is caused by this so if your kitty has black ick on his/her chin make sure you aren’t using plastic.

Have a great day! Thanks for reading- I will be announcing another contest later this week.


  1. My Muffin gets acne from plastic bowls as well. I have heard that it is because plastic is very hard to clean and traps bacteria and germs which rub against the chin while the cat is eating and that is why it happens.. Not to say that a cat can’t be allergic to plastic… 🙂

    1. That makes sense about the bacteria. I am thinking some must be allergic to plastic though. I know when I wear latex gloves, I get cuts on my hands so I figure cats get the acne.

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