Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
I am thankful for burning busses. I know that sounds strange, but thanks to the fact that 4 busses started on fire, school was delayed by 2 hours on Tuesday so I got to spend some time with the girls. These 4 busses were new and not in use yet. They were electric- clearly not the best choice for a bus. Thankfully no one was harmed.
Check out this fleet of trucks The Boy has.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. _______________________was the highlight of my ______________________.
2. A new book ( or movie or tv show) that I highly recommend is _______________________.
3. _________ makes me feel like a kid again.
4. If I had to sing karaoke right now, I’d choose the song _________.
That is a lot of trucks!! Wow, he might need his own garage!
Wonder how 4 of those busses all caught on fire on the same day?? Were they exposed to wet weather?
Yikes, we’re glad too that no was injured in the bus mishaps! XO
Mama loves little’s kids’ truck collections. A funny story: A couple who wanted to have their kids learn equality gave their daughter a truck for Christmas and their son, a doll. They came back later to see the daughter rocking her truck and the little boy saying, “Vroom, vroom” as he drove the doll over the floor….love that.
That is a colorful fleet of trucks. The Boy is showing up in the blog… I think it will be fun. Not a good thing about the busses. Electric does not sound like a wise choice for busses that carry little kids… for anybody. And yes, a good thing that nobody was hurt.
Electric does not sound like a good option for busses, and I am glad no one was hurt. What were they thinking? The Boy has quite a collection of colorful trucks.
Our schools were closed on Tuesday and Wednesday because it was below zero. This morning we are a whopping 10° above zero and I’m sure the kids are going back to school but on a 2-hour delay. I enjoyed seeing the toys because I’m a kid at heart.