Thankful Thursday


Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful for burning busses. I know that sounds strange, but thanks to the fact that 4 busses started on fire, school was delayed by 2 hours on Tuesday so I got to spend some time with the girls. These 4 busses were new and not in use yet. They were electric- clearly not the best choice for a bus. Thankfully no one was harmed.

Check out this fleet of trucks The Boy has.

Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. _______________________was the highlight of my ______________________.
2. A new book ( or movie or tv show) that I highly recommend is _______________________.
3. _________ makes me feel like a kid again.
4. If I had to sing karaoke right now, I’d choose the song _________.


  1. Mama loves little’s kids’ truck collections. A funny story: A couple who wanted to have their kids learn equality gave their daughter a truck for Christmas and their son, a doll. They came back later to see the daughter rocking her truck and the little boy saying, “Vroom, vroom” as he drove the doll over the floor….love that.

  2. That is a colorful fleet of trucks. The Boy is showing up in the blog… I think it will be fun. Not a good thing about the busses. Electric does not sound like a wise choice for busses that carry little kids… for anybody. And yes, a good thing that nobody was hurt.

  3. Electric does not sound like a good option for busses, and I am glad no one was hurt. What were they thinking? The Boy has quite a collection of colorful trucks.

  4. Our schools were closed on Tuesday and Wednesday because it was below zero. This morning we are a whopping 10° above zero and I’m sure the kids are going back to school but on a 2-hour delay. I enjoyed seeing the toys because I’m a kid at heart.

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