Friendly Fill-Ins Week 419


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at ______________________.
2. ___________________ is a hidden gem in my part of the country.
3. _________ went downhill after _________.
4. _________ is the most worn item in my wardrobe.
My answers:
1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at anyone that gets too close to me when I am shopping.
2. The Quabbin Reservoir is a hidden gem in my part of the country. It supplies Boston (2 hours away) with their water. Four towns were destroyed to build it between 1930-1939. It is a nice place to walk around and see wildlife.  To learn more about it, click here. 
3. My eyesight went downhill after I turned 50. I had perfect vision until that time. Now I am almost 55 and need glasses for distance and for reading.

4.  My gray cardigan is the most worn item in my wardrobe. At home, I am always in my pjs though.

We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. 
My flashback is from June 2015. My angel Joanie was really relaxing, even better than Rudy was the other day. I miss her so much.

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  1. Awww, I love to see kitties stretched out on their backs like that! Super cute picture of Angel Joanie, and I think I see another little face stretched out in the background! Good fill-ins too! XO

  2. Oh, that Joanie-pose is priceless and I know you must miss her so much. Who could resist that kitty all stretched out so sweetly? And yes, mama sees double, so your mama is lucky, haha! At least there are two of anything she sees and likes! Prism glasses are the correction.

  3. Nice s-t-r-e-t-c-h Joanie had there!!

    1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at all the pups that live here, LOL!.
    2.Fantasy Forest is a hidden gem in my part of the county, as well as Historic Bridge park We live in Calhoun County..
    3.Hubby’s health went downhill after his back surgery and covid.
    4. My uniform is the most worn item in my wardrobe…and after that, my leggings! I love them!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I am sorry about your hubby’s health though. XO

  4. I fill in for number one is that I actually do probably hiss at all oncoming traffic when they decide to drive across the yellow line. Oh yes, they do that all the time anymore. That’s sweet angel was certainly stretched out Belly Up wasn’t she.

  5. I loved seeing Angel Joanie all stretched out and comfy…loved by her family.

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I had not heard of that state park. It looks interesting. XO

  6. 1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at all politicians.
    2. Yosemite National Park is a hidden gem in my part of the country.
    3. I went downhill after I turned 70. Amazing how you slow down.
    4. My pull on comfy pants is the most worn item in my wardrobe.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. A big hug to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥

  7. I love seeing Joanie for your flashback. She is truly missed♥ I found out I had poor sight in third grade. Glasses and contacts untill I was 72. Now no glasses for far away but I do need readers. I can see a gray cardigan being a favorite. I had a gray zip-up hoodie. Too hot here in Floridadodeeee.
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at the Bobcat that cuts through our yard to get to the preserve.
    2. Venice Audubon Rookery, Venice, FL, is a hidden gem in my part of the country. Visiting off season is the best time.
    3. My love of shopping for anything went downhill after covid showed up.
    4. My threadbare white shirt with a sea turtle on the pocket is the most worn item in my wardrobe.
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Typhoid Mary already has glasses for reading. Thanks for these great answers. I bet the bobcat is beautiful. The Audobon place must be nice. XO

  8. Good fill-ins! Sorry to read about your vision problems but that’s bound to happen as you age, though. My eyesight has gone downhill over the past several years, too. I have an eye exam in early July. This fall will make three years since I changed my glasses and although I’ve had my eyes checked, my vision showed small vision decline and I felt it wasn’t necessary to get new lenses. Chance are favorable I’ll get news ones this time.

  9. Remind me not to go shopping with you! lol

    Angel Joanie is beautiful, and yes, she knew how to relax.

    Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  10. 1. If I were a cat, I would hiss at evil people. I’d do it myself but I’d probably be charged with something.
    2. CHATeau Montebello in the province of Quebec is a hidden gem in my part of the country. We spent our honeymoon there many years ago. You will notice the first four letters in CHATeau spell chat which is the French word for cat.
    3. I went downhill after getting off the ski-lift at the top of the hill.
    4. My housedresses are the most worn items in my wardrobe. I have many of them in the same style but in different patterns.

    I love that picture of Angel Joanie flat on her back. It just shows what a character she is!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I feel the same on #1. 🙂 Good one for #3. XO

  11. Mee-yow Aunty Ellen that iss a reelaxed foto of Joanie! Grate answerss to Fill-Innss. BellaSita Mum had a Seezure early this mornin so mee gonna due THE Fillin-Inns!!
    Heer goess:
    1. If I were a cat, which mee iss; I would hiss at anyone who tried t hurt mee Meowmy.
    2. SPIRIT ROCK is a hidden gem in my part of the country.
    3. Gettin mee fave wet foodabullss went downhill after UCKY Covid.
    4. BellaSita’ss NASCAR hoodie is the most worn item in her wardrobe.
    Hope mee did guud Aunty!!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. I am sorry your mum had another seizure. Thank you for these great answers. I need to look up Spirit Rock. XO

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