Thankful Thursday



Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

I am thankful to those that take the time to stop by every day. Today marks 10 years since my first post.

The first photo I posted was Angel Lucy (my original Lucy). . She was dressed for Fleet Week in NYC. When I started blogging, I had 15 cats. Penny is all that remains of the original crew. I would never have survived all those losses without all of your support.  Thank you for always being there.

We are also joining Angel Sammy’s Poetry Day.  And here is the photo prompt provided:

All day I can ride my bike
that sounds like a job I’d like.
Plenty to eat all day.
No thanks, not for any pay.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. My plans for the long weekend include __________________________.
2. _________________ is the messiest person I know.
3. I can’t thank _________ enough for _________.
4. I don’t understand why so many people _________.


  1. Angel Lucy that appears to have been well dressed for that photo all those years ago. Happy 10 year anniversary and it is wonderful that you have given so many cats a wonderful home. If only they lived as long as we do.

  2. I love that photo of Angel Lucy so much! It is perfect. Did she pass that outfit down to anyone else there at the house?

    1. Thank you. Yes, she did. We still have it and we also have a black uniform too. XO

  3. Congratulations, Ellen! I love the Meowing Crew and your blog. It brightens my day and I learn all kinds of good and wonderful things. Your kitty crew and your writing with your sense of funny and your thoughts about cats and other things and people that touch your life are a gift.

  4. Congratulations on 10 years, Ellen. I love your blog and look forward to it every day! Angel Lucy looks adorable, and that is a cool poem.😻

  5. 10 YEARS?? wow!
    I’m so happy for that first today … because that led you today …. and all the days in between where I have enjoyed your blog so much!! Here’s to 10 more!

  6. Ten years is quite an accomplishment. Most bloggers don’t last that long! I too have a different cat crew than when I started. Hope I don’t have to blog a cat obit for a long time! My youngest two are 12-ish.

  7. Dearest Ellen,
    Congrats on your 10th anniversary of blogging. Angel Lucy was a true kitty nurse.
    They are in real life as ours have sat with my Pieter till the very last breath…
    Mariette + Kitties

  8. WE LOVE YOUR POSTS, your humor, your ktties, your hubby, your nieces, their smart cookie maman, your tips, your gossip, your suggestions for so many things, CONGRATULATIONS on ten years of making us all so happy.
    Mama has even taken another look at Nicolas C….pretty dishy.

  9. wow! congrats on 10 years blogging and glad bloggers were so supportive for you and your losses ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Dear Ellen, Congratulations on 10 years of bloggin. A fine picture of lovely Angel Lucy.

  11. happee annie fur sarry guyz and heerz two de next ten and de next 15
    hope ewe all sell a brate with a perch pizza pie and sum mice creem. ‼️‼️conga
    ratz on ten…lucy…ewe total lee rock yur mariners geer 🐟😺💖💙

  12. Sweet Angel Lucy! I always love you how much you care for the cats. You are a blessed lady. I enjoy stopping by. I hope your holiday weekend is a great one. Stay safe and be careful Hugs and Love across the miles to all of you.

  13. Congratulations! Adorable photo of Angel Lucy. I enjoy seeing your post each day. The kitty photos make me smile.

  14. Happy Blogversary. Penny must miss her family. Zeke and Opie opened my blog almost 13 years ago.

    1. Thank you. Penny doesn’t really like other cats so I doubt it. WOW! You have been blogging longer than I have. XO

  15. I wish you many happy returns of your blogging anniversary!

    Angel Lucy was special, all of them were, and Penny still is, and all the crew added since.

    I agree, I wouldn’t want that job either, riding around carrying that.

  16. Happy 10 years, Ellen. What a wonderful accomplishment and with such adorable muses. Your original Lucy-my gosh, what a pretty kitty. Blogville is a special community-we’re here for each other through the highs and the lows. Here’s to continued success in the next 10. 🥂

  17. What an adorable image. 😀 Thank you for being such a bright spot in these dark days. ~hugs~ That thought makes me wonder how McGuffy’s Reader is doing. Does anyone know? Blessings and hugs, my dear.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I haven’t heard from her in about 2 years. I had a PO Box address I should write to. xO

  18. Extra 10 Pawkisses for a Happy Blogoversary, Ellen. We feel blessed that we’ve met you and your kitties from the beginning of your blogging carreer😻We remember sweet angel Lucy, she was gorgeous💗Cheers to another 10 years Ellen🥂🐾😽💞

    1. Thank you. 🙂 And I am blessed to know you, Peachie, Stippie and Angel Binky. XO

  19. Charlee: “Congratulations on your ten-year anniversary! That is a lot of posts for a lot of cats!”
    Oona: “What better way could there be to spend ten years than writing about cats?”
    Java Bean: “Wow! Where can I get a job where I get to carry all kinds of food on my head?”
    Lulu: “You realize you wouldn’t be allowed to eat the food, right?”
    Chaplin: “Sorry we’re a bit behind on reading this week. It is mostly Bean’s fault.”
    Java Bean: “What? What did I do?”
    Chaplin: “Don’t tell me you forgot already. You know that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.”
    Charlee: “That’d be why Mama and Dada are out there keeping an eye on you and Lulu all the time now!”

  20. Happy 10th blogoversary. I know what you mean about the important support. When Dash was killed it was my Twitter buddies that kept me sane (local authorities did not help).


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