It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?



Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday What are YOU Reading?

Rosie is posing with a very special memoir written by The J-Cats’ grandfather. Their mum also has a blog that I follow, Shimona From The Palace, and she recently wrote a beautiful tribute to her dad who passed away last November.  In the post, she wrote about the memoir he had written a few years ago telling how his parents and many family members perished during The Holocaust. He survived because he was on the last Kindertransport to England.

The book titled Memories: Real or Imagined: My Life and Times by Bernard Kessler is excellent. I tend to avoid books about The Holocaust because they are so disturbing, but this one is different. Of course, it has sad parts, but the author’s attitude about life was optimistic despite his hardships. It reads as if you are talking to an old friend and after reading it, I do feel like I knew him. It would have been an honor to know someone so kind.

If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read it for free. I bought the paperback which is also available. Click here.



  1. That sounds interesting and meaningful, Ellen. The Holocaust is indeed upsetting to read about, but it’s so important not to forget. Cute picture of Rosie. XO

  2. Mama is reading Colette, but maybe it’s a bit in the past for her now. She will be reading My Father’s House, which is set in Rome. Also read that you are on the Best Cat Blog list from Basil. Congrats!

  3. English children were sent to the countryside, to remove them from London and other cities that were constantly bombed; war and hatred are so archaic now.
    Isn’t it time we learned to get along?

  4. Good morning my furry friends and their devoted Mom.
    I’m reading A year in a French Cottage. A brief appearance by a neighbor’s cat…whom I hope to read more about. MOL
    Hugs and Happy Monday

  5. I’m glad you enjoyed the memoir. I, too, avoid reading about the Holocaust or World War II. I think that I have become oversaturated on those topics having read so many books set then. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  6. I’ve met a few survivors many years ago. Such positive people that went through such hardships.

    It’s always good to see Rosie.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xo ♥

  7. Charlee: “Our Dada is reading something called ‘The Watchmaker of Filigree Street’ which he says is a steampunk alternate history book with a clockwork octopus. Among other things.”
    Chaplin: “I can’t imagine what kind of ‘other things’ there might be in a book like that!”

  8. WOW! Miss Shimona’s PawPaw rote a book ’bout his life durin WW11……that iss wunderfull an amazin an wee wuud reed Mistur Bernard’ss story fore sure. Mee wunder’ss if hee new BellaSita’ss PawPaw durin that time?
    Nothin wee are reedin iss werth mentionin beeside Mistur Bernard’s book 😉
    Love you Aunty Ellen <3
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{huggiess}} BellaSita Mum

  9. Mom would love to read that book. The Holocaust was a horrific catastrophe that the whole world should never forget.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  10. I have been reading two books by Marie Benedict, The Mystery of Mrs. Christie and The Other Einstein I have read other books by the author and she is a great writer. Love seeing all the precious kitties over here. Have a wonderful new week. Your book sounds very interesting. THANK YOU for sharing.

  11. Thank you for reviewing my Dad’s book, Ellen. He was very modest and never really expected many people to read it. He would have been happy to know it made you feel as if you were talking to an old friend. That was exactly how he wanted readers to feel.
    That’s a sweet picture of Rosie.

  12. You look very pretty sweet Rosie. That book sounds good, we follow their blog too so we’ll have to check out the book.

  13. It’s fascinating how some people can write about hard things in a way that makes you just love them. I felt that way reading Tomson Highway’s memoir, Permanent Astonishment, about growing up and attending residential school. It helped that he is a very funny man.

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